Waiting In The Wings

Sunday, April 7, 2013

One finished - one found

Well, I delivered the "Vintage" quilt (which I showed in an earlier post) to my friend in time for her birthday tomorrow with strict instructions that she couldn't open it until then. Because of my tendonitis I had been really worried that I wouldn't complete it in time, the binding was stitched down yesterday, so all's well. I just love the colours of this one and I think with the left over fabrics I have enough to make  two cushion covers. Here is a close up:

Hope she likes it!!

Quit a few years ago I put together a wall hanging - my Setter quilt. At that time we had three Irish Setters - Mum, Dad and Son. They loved going down to our local boating beach which is called The Sandspit, as soon as we reached the bottom of walkway through the bush they would start pulling on the leash and howling to reach the water, when we let them off the leashes they raced off one behind the other all the way along the spit of sand which was a considerable distance when the tide was out.  It was a joy to watch them. Sadly they left us many years ago and not long after we lost the "baby" I began to make the piece for the wall, I used the Fossil Fern as the background as it was the nearest thing to sand colour that I had at the time, the dark reddish brown was for the rich colour of their coats and because I love purple I added a bit of that too. Somewhere along the way after I had marked the quilting pattern, pin basted it and decided to add the borders with the stitch and flip method later I must have folded it up and stashed it away while I thought about the border. You can probably guess where this is going - I couldn't remember where I had put it. Over the years when I have needed to have a good tidy around my sewing room I have looked high and low for it without any luck. Yesterday I decided to move all my basket stacks of fabric out of the storage area as I needed to re-arrange - and yes, there was my lost quilt. Must have been on top of the high stack of baskets and slipped down the back between the stacks and the wall. I am so, so pleased that I have it back and it is now safely under my cutting table ready to be worked on again. So, this is the Sandspit below and when I go and stand in the spot where the photograph has been taken I can drift back in time and  see them again racing along. Those of you with dogs will understand I'm sure.

Now here is my "lost and found" piece in memory of our three New Zealand born Setters:

Following my magpie story in my last post I must show you the Eastern Rosella parrot having a nibble at the apples, they are beautiful birds and I much happier with them in my garden than the magpies!

I must try and finish all the panels on my scrappy bargello quilt this week, I loved reading the post from Melody at fibermania where she hopes to make one quilt a week - that would be a great blog challenge!

Until next time - have a good week!


  1. Congratulations on getting your quilt finished in time. How nice to find your doggie memory quilt.

    Yes that bird is much nicer than a magpie


  2. Love the "Vintage" quilt! Makes me want to dig into my stash and start cutting one just like it :)


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