Waiting In The Wings

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Slow starts and a sunset

The past week has been a non-event for me  I have been down with a gastric bug,  not great timing there with all my sewing mounting up. Felt a little better yesterday so thought I could start sewing the quilt for my daughter, I knew that I had cut all the fabrics into correct width strips and sub-cut into lengths needed a month ago so all I had to do was open the stacker drawer, lay everything out on the table, start the machine and I would be away. Didn't quite work out like that - I had cut everything into strips but only sub-cut one of the sets!!! So had to start sub-cutting on the other twenty fabrics. They are Amy Butler patterns and I have quite a lot of left overs which can be used for cushions/bags as the fabric is a good weight. A few of the fabric scraps are pinned up on my wall, all going well I should have a few blocks for my next post. 

The quilt is sort of log cabin style, very very simple and quick ( I hope) as I have a few other things to work on.

Luckily I had put together another five blocks of my pineapple quilt  these are still just pinned on the design wall (not very straight either) one more to make today if possible then I can stitch the six together.

Still not sure how big to make this quilt but there is the annual Guild quilt show coming up in November and I really would like to have it ready to go in the show there - don't know how that will go as the blocks take some time to put together.

We had another lovely sunset last night quite a few 'planes heading into the Airport so got a shot of the headlight of one of them, at one point there were three coming in. I just love watching sunsets.

I was hoping like mad that my reading list on my dashboard would still be there this morning and it is thank goodness, I was able to get my daily fix reading the blog posts. After all the posting traffic about Reader going away there seemed to be differing views on what would happen to the Reading List on the left hand side of the Dashboard, but all seems well.

Thinking a lot recently about managing my time more efficiently in order to spend more time on my quilting and I've decided the best way for me to meet my deadlines is to make a "to do" list for the week, month and year, stops me getting side-tracked with other things - like checking out the fabrics on-line. I just put another order in for more fabrics from Glorious Color and that  must be my last one until next year.  I need ( guess want is a better way to describe this really) to get together a nice stash of solids again and I see that Kona have some really super colours, does anyone work with these regularly and can tell me if they are a good weight? I have used other  plains before but they were very fine and I need something more robust and preferably not easily frayed.

Better head off to the sewing machine and have something to show for my next post.

Happy Quilting!


  1. Your pineapple quilt is absolutely beautiful. I don't remember seeing it before. They are gorgeous quilts and I know they are time consuming, but it will be sooooo worth it when you are done!

    I'm not a fan of Kona cottons. The hand on them is rough and if I'm not mistaken, I do believe they fray. I can recommend the Free Spirit solids although they might be a bit too soft. They feel more like the Kaffe fabrics and the Kona's feel like Amy Butler's. Does that make sense?

  2. Love your pineapple! I had to come see your blog (when I finally figured out that String Thing Along was a group effort) and see what else you were up to. Love your roses, too. So I signed on as a follower... your work makes me happy to see.

  3. Just stopped in to say Hi. And wanted to let you know that I like taking pics of sunrises. Can't get the sunset because of the location of our house.
    And... Mollie is beautiful!


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