Waiting In The Wings

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fractured QAL week 7

At last I feel I am almost there with my Fractured!
Just the five vertical seams to go now - and I will try and get that done later this afternoon.
Regarding the size of the original fabric pieces which were given as five inches by four and a half inches, a few of us found things were not working out as planned and had to fudge a bit, some ended up smaller than intended. In the end I cut all my fabrics  into five inch squares and found this much easier, just meant trimming down a little smidgen to the required four and a half inches.

I do know that where rows three and four meet up some of the angles in the small blocks go any which way!!
Not to worry, the Fractured look is achieved. One other thing I noticed this morning is that I must have changed a couple of blocks around and  have ended up with four blue/green ones which really stand out, main thing is I am happy with it! The very colourful look is what I had in mind so all's well.
Still have to baste and quilt of course and probably simple straight line quilting will be my choice following the fractured lines.
Thanks go to Vicki for sponsoring this Quilt Along, go along to her blog where we link up and see where we are all up to, some are onto the second one ! Quite a lot of the fabrics used are left over and I will certainly make another one but using the blocks in a different configuration.

Have a good weekend, catching up on reading blogs is for me now and linking up with Vicki and the others and also writing a second general post.



  1. It's truly gorgeous... I just wish I could see it in person. I love all those luscious fabrics you've used and you've got all the right colors in the right places. Nicely done, Maureen. Are you going to make anothered Fractured or are you going to use the blocks in a different way?

  2. Yes, it is fabulous - and done, wow & congrats!
    I also changed the cutting dimensions to 5x5 - otherwise most of my blocks were too small.

  3. It is beautiful! I love the strong hand dyed colors with the prints. Maybe I need to make number 3?

  4. I like the way the 4 blue/green blocks pull your eyes around your FQ! It is an amazing work, Maureen. I can't wait to start on mine when I have kept my promise to myself to FINISH UP my UFQ's. I can't wait to see how it all finishes up when you quilt it--are you going to use machine or hand (big stitch perhaps?)? Have a wonderous weekend, hugs,julierose

  5. That is truly stunning. I love your colors. And the combination of the patterns and the dyed fabrics is quite amazing. Kudos!

  6. It's beautiful and you won the drawing this week! Send me your address and I'll get your fat quarter in the mail to you.

  7. Thank you so much Vicki - what a great way to start the week finding that I have won the draw! I have emailed with my address.


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