Waiting In The Wings

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The REAL Studio Tour

The REAL Studio Tour

Here we are on week three to reveal the room where we create, hosted very kindly by Vicki who has organised the links each week, go along and visit and see the stunning studios there!

My studio is very much a cobbled together place, it is the smaller of our four bedrooms only 9' x 9' so not much room at all in there, this year we hope to go through into the adjoining bedroom to give me twice as much space! For the moment what you see below is rather cramped.

Above as I come in the door on the left hand side I have a design wall which can cope with a quilt up to 72" and presently being used for MATO,  at the side of this is a small one with the start of the baby quilt

along from the wall  is my cutting table with a small ironing area, boxes with strips, my special embroidery threads and white board and bits and pieces. At the left hand side of the table out of picture is a deep two drawer plastic container with my GO dies on top and cutter at the side. Presently fabric yardage is stored on the shelf underneath the table, I will be getting hold of shelving for these when we extend the area.

Under the window is my small extending table with my machine, underneath  the serger and my embellisher

going around the room I have more storage drawers and my little rimu chest holding threads, you can also see the board holding pieces of fabric ready for my 9 patch on the MATO

my other sewing machine is alongside my thread chest and my magazine holders behind

at the side of the machine are two more storage drawer carts with another small chest of drawers on top holding scissors, cutters, pins and needles, and other bits and pieces

behind the two storage sets are my wire storage baskets for fabrics 

there is a small area between the drawers and the baskets of fabrics here I have four more wire baskets slotted under the table extension and I use these for holding fabrics for current projects  before putting away in their baskets when they are no longer needed.

Hopefully this will look quite different in a years time and I will post a photo or two of the re-vamped room.

That's it from me - time to decorate our Christmas tree, we're behind this year!
Don't forget to go along and see all the other studios at the link hosted by Vicki, a big thank you goes to Vicki for organising and hosting this tour!

Enjoy your weekend


  1. Loved the cyber-walk through your studio! Mine is a tip right now!! LOL...I have traded off some sewing space for a return to scrapbooking. This year I am continuing my journey with Project Life (from Becky Higgins) AND have set up a small corner adjacent to my cutting table . Only because I've been "down" with flu for so long did I allow myself to order new scrap supplies (hahahaha!!)--- I felt that my intensity with quilting was getting the best of me and I needed to slow down....am in picture taking mode...hope your new room gives you tons of area...hugs, Julierose

  2. You have made great use of all of the space in that small room. Have fun expanding into the next room!

  3. Thanks for sharing your space! You have really made a small space very functional. I can't wait to see the remodel. What fun that will be!

  4. What a lovely sewing space. I love your baskets with fabric. I have them too, but not as many as yours. Maybe one day if my fabric grows. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I enjoyed visiting your sewing space! Great room. I love your cutting table.

  6. IT's exciting to think that you will be getting more space, but in the meantime you've made great use of what you have now. I, too, have a small space, and it's amazing how well we can manage to organize it to make it functional for us.

  7. Thanks for the tour. That is a lovely colorful quilt on your design wall. Have fun expanding into the next room!

  8. So interesting to see everybody's sew area - thanks for sharing! I really need more baskets and boxes like you do, to keep things better organized.


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