Waiting In The Wings

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Two Cats and Journal Project

All ready for linking up with the
Rainbow Scrap Challenge girls
with two more kitties in the colour of the month

a small alteration is needed tomorrow on the right hand one - you can see her ears should be both going towards her back not where they are presently, this is what comes of doing about six things at once!

I am also working with aqua/teal for my March Journal Quilt Project. This is associated with the Contemporary Quilt Group which is a specialist group within the Quilters' Guild of the British Isles of which I am a member. We commit to one 8" square piece each month over this year, I am behind as I didn't join the project until mid February so I am working hard to meet my deadlines.

These are silk squares which I painted a few years ago and have been waiting for the right project to come along, I will post the finished pieces for January and February next week.

We have our daughter and two grandchildren coming for lunch today so cooking is next on my list for today.

Happy Quilting and don't forget to visit the RSC 2014 with the link at the top of my post - beautiful examples of working with the colour of the month.


  1. I love the cats- and especially the fabric. as much as I love the fabric on the left, it's funny that I don't have anything similar in my stash... seems we always end up buying the same stuff....

  2. Love the kitties (the ears on the second one look windblown . . . )

    Gorgeous silks, too.

  3. Love the cats made with KF fabrics. I keep playing with my KF fabrics.

  4. Love the cats. I like the ear like that - makes me think she is listening for something over there!

  5. Love you r kitties.
    How clever are you painting your own silk!
    I went to a silk painting. Class once. I did every thing wrong that you possibly could! However my painting turned out great. Well at least I think so!

  6. Hey, I think that kitty's ear makes it look like she heard something and her ears are tweaked to listen carefully. Very cute fabrics.

  7. I must send you a pic of my two big ginger boys....for inspiration!! Having said that, one of them is so large you would probably run out of fabric!! x

  8. Cute kitties - I really enjoy seeing them in the brightly colored fabrics!

  9. Love that kitty with the cocked ear! Looks like she's listening to you...really cute! Hugs, Julierose

  10. Cute kitties and beautiful painted fabric. I recently bought the Mark Making Book you commented about on my blog. Thanks for visiting.

  11. Fabulous cats - the special cocked ear cat looks as if she is watching something on the side.
    Hope you had fun with your family!

  12. Did you change the ears? I think they look interesting like they are. And that is some beautiful painted silk.

  13. Those are amazing cats! They are traveling through both space and time! I can hardly wait to meet the purple cats.

  14. What adorable cats, and in such fun fabrics.

  15. Such a sweet little kitty with the ears pointing back .


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