Waiting In The Wings

Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Passion for Purple with RSC 2014

First four purple kitties for the purple month, six more to go!
Top right one looks more magenta on here, but it's a lovely purple with the scarlet dots,  KF dots
are a favourite of mine. I have gathered together some good information on photographing quilts, lots to read but hopefully by the end of it all I will be better organised with my pics for the blog. It's amazing what can be done/not done to achieve great results.  Have a peek at this site.

Here is one of my favourite cats

bought for me for my birthday in 1992 by my daughter so
"Kitty" has been around quite some time which accounts for the faded colour, she was somewhat brighter all those years ago but the sun here in NZ is pretty strong and colours fade quickly even when you make the effort to try and keep them out of sunlight.

I've been chopping up more pieces for my large box of cotton confetti, I do this with my tiny leftover trimmings from blocks, just slivers of fabric which used to be thrown in the waste bin

this is my latest small bin on my cutting table, when it's full I just throw it all in my huge container, I now need to start working on a project using my "confetti stash".

As you can see not much achieved this week, similar to the week before actually, but I have covered two moveable design walls with flannel and almost finished another 8" square for the Journal Quilt Project 2014, two more of these tiny quilts need to be ready before 30th April so next week is going to be a busy one.

Linking up now with scraphappy joining the rest of the girls who have all been busy with purple. When you link you will see I have managed to have the heads of two cats and bottom halves of the other two in my thumbnail!!! Don't know what happened there - obviously my reading up on photography has done me no good whatsoever.

Before I sign off here is our newest hibiscus in flower

Happy Quilting


  1. Loving those purple kitties! I haven't forgotten that pattern..just into butterflies presently and crochet. And what are you going to do with that confetti stash--hmmmm--will be satching to see...hugs, Julierose

  2. Shoot That Quilt is a great resource! Have referenced it many times along the way.

    LOVE your kitty project -- will be fun to see them all together.

  3. Can't wait to see what you do with the confetti stash!!

  4. What sweet little kitty blocks and wow is that a big box of confetti! What are you going to do with it??

  5. Hmmm...don't let your cats too close to that confetti stash...they might confuse it for something else ;)

  6. Your cats are so lovely - just the perfect colours too. Making these cats was my introduction into paper piecing - what fun!

    It was to be the first of many paper piecing projects for me.

  7. Enjoy your photography reading. It is such a nice hobby to pair with blogging and quilting

  8. LOVE the purple kitties! Can't wait to see them all done. And what will you do with that cotton confetti?? Looks very interesting.

  9. Beautiful hibiscus!!! We had a couple of those a few years ago but they did not come back after the winter and we decided not to plant them again.

    Your kitties are looking wonderful! I have been wanting to do those for the RSC this year too but so far no kitties have been made :( I guess I'll just have to enjoy yours!

  10. Lovely purple kitties!! I also love that bin full of your "confetti" and am anxious to see what you do with it. I can't even imagine... but knowing you, it will be something wonderful! Beautiful Hibiscus too... mine aren't blooming yet, but I guess it's a bit early in the season. Take care!

  11. Such majestic looking cats you have! Can't wait to see what becomes of that bin of bits.


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