Waiting In The Wings

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Rainbow Scrappy Cats and Blogger problems

Yellow cats this month - mine are a little late in arriving!

I intend to make another four before the end of the week, two of them will be ultimate favourite fabric -   Brassica by Philip Jacobs.

Two issues have held me up this week, first and foremost I am having problems with Blogger. I have my Reading List with all the blogs which I follow and normally as soon as I get onto my dashboard all the posts from the blogs come up for me - all I'm getting now is one random post seems to be just the latest one, go down to View More and usually more do come up, especially if I have two days posts to read, but now nothing is coming  up at all,  can't find anything in blogger Help to assist so would anyone know or have had experience of this problem? If you have I would love to hear from you as I am in withdrawal with regard to all your posts!!!

Second issue - we are having our laundry and bathroom painted which means in the laundry the washing machine, tub, dryer and attendant bits and pieces have all had to be taken out and are presently sitting in the hallway. We did a store visit yesterday and decided to buy a new machine and dryer - lovely - but we can't take delivery until Monday next week as the room won't be ready. I absolutely hate this sort of disruption - cuts into quilting time.

Actually there is a third problem - my sewing studio presently being re-organised. Trying to fit everything in is a nightmare. I really need my computer in there but honestly I do not know where to place it. I have two Bernina machines which take up quite a bit of table top room and I am now seriously wondering whether I just keep one of them, probably the Bernina QE, to make more room. Problem there is it's so handy to be using one all threaded up for sewing a particular quilt and if I start working on another, or machine quilt then the second machine comes into play. How many of you out there actually feel that you need two machines? I would be interested to know. 

Linking up with 
Rainbow Scrap Challenge
and hoping that the link works out
If you have any ideas re my Blogger issues PLEASE do get in touch
Hope you're having a good week


  1. Wonderful yellow cats...except some look a bit chummy and you know what happens then...

    I have two Berninas out. One I use for machine quilting and the other for piecing. Although in reality its more that I use one and then the other sewing area becomes a massive pile of stuff.

    Wish I could help with blogger...but you're the one who taught me I was a "no reply" blogger! That makes you my mentor.

  2. We just bought a new mattress and that was a stressful purchase. Was worried that although we liked it in the store, we might not like it after sleeping on it. We are very happy it though. It's the same thing, I think, when purchasing a new washer/dryer. You just don't know if you're going to like them until you use them. Good luck with that!!

    YES... I have to have two machines! Actually I have 6 right now. Three Featherweights, which I am going to sell, two Berninas (one for classes, one for my sewing room and my main machine) and a Juki TL98e, which I use for machine quilting. All are necessary.

    I hope you manage to find a way to keep both machines. I think you -may- be sorry if you don't.

  3. Love your yellow kitties - just beautiful!!!!!

    I am having the same problem with Blogger - very frustrating. I see a lot of posts in the Blogger Forum so we are not alone. Lots of people experiencing the same thing - no solution yet though.

  4. Kitty Love is lovely in yellow; blog posts sometimes come up and sometimes not for me--very annoying. I think everyone is having the same troubles...aaargh--good luck with your machine decisions. I have always wanted to have two working machines--one for actual quilting/embroidery and the other for piecing. hugs, Julierose

  5. Lovely kitties. No help on blog reading issues. I put my reading list onto my blog sidebar. I go into layouts and add a gadget - blog list. I just put all the blog links I follow on there and they show up on my blog sidebar. New posts pop up to the top and tell you how old they are. That might be another option to see all the posts.


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