Waiting In The Wings

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A lazy week for Choose Your Own Block-Along

No Pineapple blocks this week for Choose Your Own Block-Along  - it was one of those weeks,
however I did put together more H blocks

I'm working on a few "dulled down" blocks which will be needed to mix with the brighter blocks
then going to play round with the idea of adding a few T for Thomas blocks, I'll make one up later in the week and see how it fits in.

 The green cabbage leaf fabric in the very last block is a huge favourite, a forgotten fabric way down in my scrap bin but  I loved it when I first saw it years ago now there is only a smallish piece left so that can go in my "really precious" box.

My taking part in Cross The Drunkard's Path Quilt Along  has come to an early end due to hand problems which is a pity as I had cuts lots of pieces with the Accuquilt!

The garden is well into Spring mode now and three Wisteria are blooming, delicious scents filling the garden - here are two photos of the lilac colour

Linking up now with
Live a Colorful Life


  1. Good for you for taking care of your hands . . . the H blocks are wonderful and that flower is such a gorgeous color!

  2. Nice "H"s. I think "T"s mixed in would be neat.

  3. Love wisteria and the H block made with pencil fabric.


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