Waiting In The Wings

Friday, October 31, 2014

Too many distractions …..

Far too many distractions since I last posted, one good excuse is that it was my birthday last Sunday the 26th and I had a lovely day. One of the distractions was the new iPad Air 2 which was a present from my husband!!!! I've been busy reading bits of the manual and experimenting and I love it to bits! Great little machine. Waiting for the covers to reach the stores here but I guess it's going to be a few more days yet.

Caught up with our three kids and six grand-children over the weekend which was a treat and I now have two lovely flower bouquets in the sitting room and a lovely drop necklace and earrings. A very happy day indeed!

A few of the H blocks sewn up this week, no point showing all of them there were too many.

The feather fabric from Philip Jacobs is a favourite of mine and there will no doubt be more of this fabric in other colourways in this quilt.

The clean-up cut strip cushion cover is now the size needed so next thing is to quilt and make the back for it

My Cotton Candy quilt top still has two more rows to go around but I started playing with the small odd strips left over and threw in a bit of the dark green cabbage fabric intending to make a mug rug but it grew in size as I went along and could be used as a mat for a small table in my studio. Just straight line quilting and ready for binding now.

That's me for today, hope you all have a Happy Halloween! 

Linking up now with Live A Colorful Life where  Choose Your Own Block-Along is under way.


  1. happy birthday for last week! Sounds like you had a nice time with family and you have been busy!

  2. Well, the H's could be for Holly! Pretty. I love your fabrics.

  3. What a delightful display. And happy birthday! What a great present. Cheers!

  4. Happy belated birthday -- have fun with those H's!

  5. Happy birthday! And you have some great projects going on. Thanks for linking up.

  6. That straight line quilting is looking very cool.

  7. I missed this post, Happy Birthday belatedly!


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