Waiting In The Wings

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Heading towards 2015

My cat quilt should really be here on this post along with the other finished quilt tops but two more rows  to go with the cats and five other tops waiting to be quilted!! I also have a few other projects in either cutting or sewing stage and in order to move things along I'm joining with
Vicki of Field Trips in Fiber and others
taking part in her three projects for the coming year - go along to her web site or I have the three new buttons on my side-bar which will take you along to her site for all the information, it's going to be busy but lots of fun.

As if I don't have enough fabric to last me many lifetimes I took advantage of price reduction at some of the stores on-line and just before Christmas I had
some lovely squishy packages arrive from the USA

The fabrics below I picked up in one of the stores here in Auckland

some of these fabrics will, I hope, be creeping in to the projects for 2015.

We now have just under four hours to go before we see the end of 2014 here in New Zealand and I'd like to wish everyone a

Happy, Healthy and Peaceful 2015

see you in the New Year!



  1. Sounds like a big creative year ahead for you!

  2. Luscious fabric as always, Maureen. Happy New Year!

  3. Wonderful stash enhancement you got there!! Happy New Year...hugs Julierose

  4. Good thing you live so far away or I might be tempted to come and play with your fabrics. Love, love them.
    Hugs and Happy New Year,

  5. You're set for a fabulous 2015 with those wonderful new fabrics and 3 new projects. Happy New Year!

  6. All I'm going to say is that you're a very bad influence. Oh, and happy New Year to the woman who lives in the future.


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