Waiting In The Wings

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2015

Apologies for sending two posts one after the other, I needed to do them separately. 

Before I go on I would like to thank everyone for their good wishes, both
for myself and my husband, following my last post to RSC 2015.
John is back to normal, I am taking a little longer! However, I wasn't happy
with the lighter of the two blocks posted last week and so took it apart
and added a few different squares and geese

I'm happier with this one.

As it is a blue month I made up one of the blocks for my blue quilt from
the Kaffe Fassett book Quilts in Morocco

Light isn't good here, plus lots of threads hanging around on my design wall but it's just on lunchtime and my blood sugar levels are telling me to eat.

A quick hop over to see
Angela at RSC 2015

and that's me finished for the day!!



  1. glad to hear you are both on the mend. Love the re-do on that block!!

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  4. Beautiful. And the hexagon looks fun. Am looking forward to seeing the quilt!

  5. Taking those dark colours out of your block was a good idea. I agree that this is much happier. I like the way you repeated the colour in the squares and the flying geese. Add unity. Lovely work.

  6. Oh, I see what you changed. This does look better. Enjoy getting your UFOs tamed.

  7. sorry things are not going well, but glad you got a chance to sew for your health! LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  8. Sorry you've been not feeling well; I love your RSC block and that hexagon is lovely--feel better soon...hugs, Julierose

  9. Beautiful work. Hope you are back to 100% soon! Take care of yourself.

  10. I do like the lavender coloured block. I might try some of my own!

  11. Very pretty blocks and hope you keep feeling better too!


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