Waiting In The Wings

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Scrappy Blues

Have you ever had one of those weeks??
I had a number of things to clear up this week but since my last post
I've been down with a nasty infection necessitating a visit to the doctor,
urgent blood tests and a three week course of a strong antibiotic.
Felt so rotten I actually had three days in bed - couldn't even read a book or blog posts -
unheard of before!!

Today I was able to sew up two more blue blocks which had
been cut out before I became ill

sorry they're not well photographed or cropped but I didn't have as much
time as I thought as my husband fell of a ladder whilst pruning trees in the
garden! Nothing major, thank goodness, but a badly swollen and very painful left ankle, foot  and lower leg just about where he had a bad break when he was younger.
Just to be on the safe side we will be visiting our doctor again tomorrow!

As I am now in charge of making our evening meal I'd better get on with things
and head off to link up with everyone taking part
Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2015

a quick photo of my pink hydrangeas starting to come into flower

have a happy week.



  1. Oh dear, sounds like you've had your fair share of rotten luck and then some this week. Hope that means something lovely will happen to you soon to make up for it. Glad you were able to get a bit of sewing done, hope everyone is on the mend soon.

  2. Oh dear - doesn't sound like a good start to the year... hope you are both mended soon. So many shades of blue -your blocks are lovely!

  3. Glad to hear you are on the mend after a rough run. Take care!

  4. Hopefully you won't be visiting the doctor too much more. Take care to both of you. Your blue blocks are wonderful and your pink hydrangea so pretty!

  5. Ohmygosh Maureen, you have really had more than your share this week. Rest up and get better! I like your blue blocks--really nice...hugs, Julierose

  6. Hope you are feeling better - and your husband as well!
    Great blue blocks, I love to watch all the rainbow scrap goodness at Angela's blog.

  7. I hope you have your strength back and are doing well now. I love the hydrangea photo. It is so nice to see flowers bloom while we are in the deep freeze here. I like your second blue block. It is reminding me to use my dots more often.

    I'm so happy you started your blog and I can see what you are working on and your garden.

  8. Wishing you both a speedy, complete recovery.
    Your blue color study blocks are a delight! The perfect solids for each.

  9. So sorry to hear you have been so ill and that your husband had a fall. Oh my - what a way to start the year!! Your flying geese are wonderful.. but that hydranga! Wow!

  10. Maureen, I wish you both a speedy recovery. Love those blue blocks.

  11. Sounds like you both need a vacation! I like your blocks - hope you are both better soon!

  12. Maureen, What a bummer!! Rest, rest and get better real fast. Hope Hubby also heals quickly. Take care. Nice blue blocks for the RSC.

  13. Oh dear. Hope you're feeling much,much better soon. Great blocks for your RSC.

  14. Beautiful blocks. I was thinking of you when I bought some pink hydrangea fabric recently. But your real hydrangea is much prettier!

  15. Hope you both recover really soon x

  16. Good heavens...a bad luck week...hope this one is so much better


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