Waiting In The Wings

Saturday, November 28, 2015

All in Pink

For those who read my post last Friday about my dilemma with the teapots
I have "lost" one of the blocks and now have the light pink
one to balance up a little and changed position of a few of them.
 Even so the bottom left hand teapot will probably 
be changed out with the middle top row so not to
end up with two red teapots side by side.

On the subject of pink, and it's various shades, one of my
most deliciously scented roses (suffering with black spot on the leaves)
 has begun blooming

the name escapes me and below a paeony, this too has a delicious scent.
Husband came home yesterday bearing gifts -  three of these beauties.
Have you ever seen such colour!!

Hope all of you celebrating Thanksgiving had a happy day!

Soon be Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2016!!!!


  1. Gorgeous teapots and flowers....we are approaching Winter here...so appreciate your lovely flower pix hugs, julierose

  2. Pink is my favorite color and I collect teapots! Therefore I can only love your quilt top! I find your setting perfect and personally would not change anything.

    1. Thank you Christine, I will keep them on the wall for a few days.

  3. Your rose and peony match the color palette of your teapots.... Which are Gorgeous!!!!! Love the teapots - great pattern and wonder color selections. I have fallen behind in the RSC, but enjoy seeing everyone's progress.

  4. I love pink peonies. My favorite in my garden is a beautiful pale pink that lasts longer than any others in a vase.

    The pink teapot block really did help with the balance.

  5. Good to see the progress on your teapots. Love those pink blooms, and if they're scented, all the better :-)

  6. I love Jacobs' banded peonies and it really makes a lovely teapot. I love your peony too!

  7. Glad you are finding the right color balance for your teapots. What beautiful flowers!

  8. ooooooo the teapots are charming together. Really graceful. Mine are a hot mess compared to your quiet artsy ones lol. LeeAnna

    1. Thank you LeeAnna - I guess when I was picking out the fabrics I remembered the lovely old china teapots belonging to my Aunt. Your hot teapots are lovely - can't wait to see how you set all those.

  9. Love those teapots with their spotty backgrounds.

  10. What gorgeous fluffy flowers! And they're the perfect match with your flowery teapots. Which are also gorgeous!

  11. Who says you can't grow paeonies up north? I can't manage to grow them in Taupo.

  12. Love how the tea pots are looking. Beautiful flowers - I love pink ones.

  13. I'm glad you kept 12 teapots; this layout looks great (and I don't mind the two together on the bottom line, though I think the swap would look good too). A good smelly rose is one of my favourite things.

  14. What a wonderful thought...to think of flowers blooming.....nothing blooming here at the moment....except the wind and rain!!!

  15. You have quite a collection of teapots now, they look wonderful all together!

  16. Lovely teapots, it's going to be a gorgeous quilt.

  17. Sometimes it's hard to get the balance exactly right. I'm fussy about that too. The whole array is really a lovely sight, as well as the roses. How I wish I could smell them. Have a lovely week enjoying your flowers.

  18. I just love your teapots. Like the new arrangement better. It can be tricky getting all the colors in a single block to balance out with neighbors and the quilt overall. You've done well. The bright ones pop while the dark ones give it some weight. I love tea and Kaffe so I ought to make a Kaffe teapot block as a mini.

  19. We have been having unusually cold weather with freezes the last few nights. No more flowers this year so yours are especially delightful. Such beauties - roses, peonies, and teapots.

  20. I love, love, LOVE your teapots!

  21. the teapots look great and I love your pink flowers.


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