Waiting In The Wings

Thursday, April 21, 2016

This and That

I just couldn't seem to get going again this week on the quilting
side of things. I worked  on stitching down three of my teapots
by machine appliqué

so that I can have a finish at the end of the quarter.

Gypsy Wife blocks were on the agenda, one of the
simple ones below

and what a pleasure to make this one after taking absolutely ages
on the Colourwheel block, purely because I changed
the fabric arrangement four times!!! That one can be posted
at the end of month link party.

The need to begin a new project or two was presenting problems
because the motivation didn't seem to be there to sit down and decide
just what I would like to make next. Monday I read the post
Wanda at Exuberant Color
who had made blocks using up strips, I commented that
I had a huge bin of clean up cuts which would be
just the thing for these, I figured they would be a change
from the full on concentration of GW blocks.
 A fun two hours yesterday and I came up with

the four blocks above, my thoughts were it had been fun but they would  languish in
my parts box.
They stayed on the design wall until the evening
when I had the idea of making a large cushion and out came my
white pin dot on black

and arrived here, and I love it!! But …. I like it so much
that I'm considering a medallion quilt, the question is would I go totally
scrappy to fit in with these blocks, or would that be too much??
I would definitely use more black/white fabrics which would tone things
down a little if it became too jazzy!
What do you think?



  1. What do I think? Well, I think you have the most amazing sense of colour and design. What ever you do always looks great.

  2. I can see around of hst's maybe colourful and black and whites?!

  3. Ooooh, just loving those wonkies---I might try B/W around them and then go wonky again in the next surround??? Your machine does lovely stitching--mine doesn't have that stitch..nice work hugs, Julierose

  4. I'd say go all scrappy, but I always say go all scrappy... 8)
    I absolutely adore the way you play with color!

  5. Love the wonky blocks! Maybe I could make some also. When I looked at Wanda's blocks, she seems to keep a color scheme, sort of, for the last logs- like blue or violet. I think that would keep it together without adding any other fabrics as joiners.

  6. I love your blocks!! Every other border in the medallion could just be 2 fabrics making the parts with the rest of the borders being scrappy.

  7. I'm glad to see the teapots back on the burner. And I am enjoying watching you make the Gypsy's Wife. No needless to say I'm also very happy to see you start a new quilt.

  8. Go scrappy and see where it leads you! You have a great eye so you'll make the right choices.

  9. Great scrappy blocks! Love how the simple b&w seems to bring a sense of 'order'to them!

  10. I love white pin dot on black. Classic.

  11. I agree that the white pin dot on black was an excellent choice. Exuberant Color blog is an excellent resource for me and an inspiration to use colors outside of my comfort zone.

    1. The black/white pin dot will be much in evidence in the borders - providing I have enough fabric! Sorry I can't reply directly as you are coming up as a no reply-blogger.

  12. What a great start to a medallion. Of course, it's a good pillow, too. I need some of those myself. I'm looking forward to your decisions which will be yummy!

  13. If it were me I would go bigger, definitely, but maybe not scrappy without boundaries. I loved the recent post at quiltyfolk where Audrey talked about editing her colour selection for a scrappy quilt and something like that would work well here too, I think.

  14. ooh . . . the pin dot sets off those scrap blocks wonderfully.


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