Waiting In The Wings

Monday, May 30, 2016

Scrappy Days

Yes it's time for scrappy Saturday but I'm only just posting this
today (Monday). Busy weekend and with the time difference
I am late!

One more green house

and on to another colour for June.

My stars for RSC are languishing in their drawer waiting
for me to get my act together and do a catch up, my intentions
are good but my little helper has slowed me up

here she is helping me on the computer

and her favourite pastime below

when she is causing havoc around the place.

My posting and quilting has been neglected somewhat due to Tallulah but
I think we're in to a routine now - just like a new baby - so things
can only get better!

Linking with
Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2016
Oh Scrap!

Happy Quilting!


  1. I love the leafy greens with the glowing windows. And everyone thinks that toddlers are a lot of work until they have teenagers!

  2. The house is bright and cheerful.

  3. Pretty green house. Your little helper is so cute. Happy Scraooy Week

  4. I think this is my favorite house yet!!

  5. Hope you are caught up soon. Such a pretty block.

  6. Babies of any species are time consuming. ;-) Kudos on another charming house.

  7. I love your new house, and that special little helper! Obviously you both need some cuddle time each day. Possibly each minute!

  8. I think this one might be my favorite house block so far. I love those bright windows and pretty green. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  9. Your little helper reminds me a lot of my sweet Popper, an older black and white who has been gone a year now. Enjoy her, she is darling.

  10. Beautiful green house, and life is so much happier with a black and white wee girl for company and help.

  11. I want to live in that house!

  12. I love your cabbage house; I'm GREEN with envy!

  13. All these beautiful greens. Love it on your house! Pet Tallulah for me.

  14. The yellow windows make it look like the lights are on inside! I just want to tickle Tallulah's paw! Weird, but I do love cat's paws :D


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