Waiting In The Wings

Monday, July 11, 2016

Another late starter - Gwennie Inspired Medallion QAL

This centre piece for the medallion was ready to go a couple of days ago
but other things cropped up and I'm only now catching up on
posting and reading two days of blog posts!

In the spirit of liberated quilt making I added a bit of fabric
on the RH side of the background fabric, my DH came in to ask me a question
just as I was cutting the fabric, of which I had very little left,
you can see the result!!

I've always wanted to try collage and decided this was the time.
The three larger leaves overhanging the basket edge
were cut as one but the flowers are all individually cut and placed.
My next challenge is how to quilt these!!! This needs to be done
whilst the piece is still small enough to handle easily.

There are two pieced borders to get on there before the
beginning of August, I should be OK with that time frame as the centre with
frame measures only
15 and1/2" by 16 and 1/2".

A quick tidy in the studio and then onto more Gypsy Wife blocks.

Enjoy the week.



  1. I love your collage medallion. The colours are so striking. Stunning!

  2. Lovely collage, they all go so well together.

  3. Brilliant and quite unique. I hope you love it as much as I do. The fading background is wonderful as is the choice for the basket. The border is perfect and your flower arrangement is amazing. Inspired and inspiring!

  4. I ADORE your center medallion -- it is SO you and so perfect. Looking forward to seeing what you do with your borders. I'm mid-way on this month's log cabin theme .. .

  5. I keep lurking around this QAL but can't quite get myself organised! Your centre is beautiful: I love the ombre background and the flower collage.

  6. Looking great!! This is a challenge/qal I was hoping to do too but thought I had left it too late - you've inspired me to get thinking about it again!

  7. So pretty Maureen! I too tossed up about this QAL but think I'll watch you from the sidelines!

  8. I love the colors and the collage! And isn't it fun, stepping out and trying new things? This QAL is amazing for that!
    Can't wait to see what you do next!

  9. Lovely basket of flowers collage...hugs,Julierose

  10. Oh good! You are joining in! And you are off to a great start.

  11. This collage gives a dramatic lovely style to your central medallion block!


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