Waiting In The Wings

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Kaleidoscope - one more block to go!

The original size of my Kaleidoscope quilt has shrunk!
I'm going with 6 across and 8 down  - I think.
For this size I need one more block, the one I had in place
bottom right just didn't fit colour-wise.

Then I wondered if I should move out some of the
lighter blocks and go for a darker look - on reflection I've
decided to just get on and sew another block.
This is not the final layout, I want to play a little more
before I make a decision.

Fabrics for the back of the Rainbow Safari quilt for our grandson

have been cut

and fabric with cats - same colours as the kiwi fabric -
has been added to the mix, also multi coloured dragonflies
on a black background. Top is sewn and I'll post next time.

More from the Spring garden



It's been so very wet her, we desperately need
 a few sunny days to dry everything out.

Linking up with  Cathy and Ann

grab button for kaleidoscope of butterflies

also linking up with
Judy at Patchwork Times

Now I need to get sewing that last block!



  1. What a gorgeous kaleidoscope this will be! I think the corners will change the value of this quilt so I wouldn't worry about it being too light or dark yet. Thanks for linking with Kaleidoscope of Butterflies.

  2. Love that quilt, and the Babiana, I had some last year, must fossick and find them. a friend gave me some pink bluebells, so they are in a large pot, I don't want to lose them.

  3. What a GLORIOUS post -- the colors are fantastic. Congrats on the Kaleidoscope - it is stunning.

  4. Just such a rich color quilt! It seems time consuming- hope you get the extra block done and can do the final arrangement. I have always loved clivia, but never owned any, sorry to say.

  5. I wouldn't change a block! I think the blocks you have will work just fine with a little adjustments. I think it will be lovely!

  6. Lots of Kaffe colour there in your kaleidoscope blocks, amazing! Wondering now what's going in those setting triangles of course! And lots of lovely colour in your garden too, great pics!

  7. I love your Kaleidoscope blocks. Have you chosen the corner fabrics yet?

  8. Wow, your quilt is looking so awesome! Love it!

  9. I love the kaleidoscope block and your is stunning in those fabrics.
    Ps I have tried to fix my no-reply status.....

  10. That kaleidoscope quilt is so stunning.

  11. Kaleidoscope is beautiful. I enjoy reading your posts and hope you are feeling better. Sending prayers.

    1. Thank you very much and yes I am feeling better now. I have to reply to you here on the comet section as you show as a no reply-comment blogger, do you have an email?

  12. Beautiful blocks--have fun re-arranging! Love the cute back fabrics--that Kiwi print is adorable...lovely flowers--ours have gone by--only 48 degrees this morning and windy--looks like the hurricane will MISS us--phew hugs, Julierose

  13. You look to be on the homeward straight with your kaleidoscope blocks, and fun to be onto another project too! Far too wet up here as well, oh for a week of sunshine, it would do wonders!

  14. What a good feeling to only have one more block to make to finish a top. Beautiful spring blooms to inspire your wonderful colour choices.

  15. What a beauty! I am looking forward to seeing what you will use to set your kaleidoscope.

  16. I always love to see what you are creating. All those bright colors make me happy! I've never seen the rainbow kiwi fabric before...so cute and cheerful :)

  17. Love the kaleidoscope quilt. The colors are all so rich.

  18. Beautiful Kaleidoscope blocks, it's going to be a stunning quilt. Very pretty flowers. Hope it drys out a bit.

  19. What a gorgeous set of kaleidoscope blocks! I love all the fabrics, they really glow! And I love that kiwi fabric, that is so cute! I bet it has sold well. :D

  20. Oh! Look at all that glorious color! I'm drooling on my keyboard...

  21. Your Kaleidoscope blocks are gorgeous en masse. I don't think you needed to take out the lighter ones - somehow the whole effect is very rich and opulent even with their inclusion.

  22. Such beautiful blocks! Obviously, it's going to be gorgeous when completed!!!

  23. bold yet sensitive use of abundant colour xo


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