Waiting In The Wings

Monday, June 25, 2018

Back on board - slowly!

I have had my leave of absence and now I'm ready to 
get back to work!

Even though I haven't been posting I have been
sewing for short periods at a time on my
Tula Pink Plus One quilt.

Eleven rows which now have to be stitched together,
and working with an assortment of splints and supports on
hands and wrists does not make photography easy,
so excuse wonkiness!
If you supersize this photo you should be able to see the critters
a little more clearly.

I hope I haven't missed thanking anyone for their good wishes,
if I have then please accept my apologies.

There was good news with my cardiac investigations in that
my heart valves are declared OK and working as they should.
Bad news was xrays of my hands. I do have arthritis, that was known and obvious 
and the reason for a review, but unfortunately they have discovered
that I have several cysts in the carpal bones, actually in the bones, I couldn't
quite get my head around that result.

This is a huge worry for me because of my quilting but I'm taking steps
to minimise damage. I'm thinking of buying one of the
newer Accuquilt Go BIG electric cutters my ordinary GO can find
a new home.
I only had the news of the cysts this morning so I'm sure I'll come up with more

I have had a wonderful friend keep me company, no, not my
four legged friend but a two legged one

he has been feeling braver and braver and now sits on the
branch directly outside the sliders. I adore kingfishers.

Thats all from me, and I'm hoping that Blogger
will work if, as suggested, I leave myself the first comment and
I've also changed my settings.


  1. Good news on the heart side, not great for the wrists.But an electric cutter, that would make quilting so much easier. Go for the BIG Go. Down here, wet and cold. The photo is fine, looking bright and beautiful.

  2. Yes, good news on your heart is great. The hands, I'm sure you will come up with many ways to help you carry on. The Electric Go is a very good idea.
    Love your quilt. Such fabulous colours. Hugs to you and glad to see you back.

  3. Always a yay for the good news. That is one worry off your mind. Have never heard of cysts in the bones.....how strange. The work arounds will come, and you will continue on , just in a different way. I now do things differently but get thru it all.

  4. Check out the Martelli ergo rotary cutter (Amazon and others) and the Martelli blades to fit. I cannot use a standard ritary cutter now so the ergo cutter has prolonged my ability.

  5. Wow! So much vibrant, delicious color in your Plus quilt! Your photo doesn't look wonky to me. I'm happy to hear about your good heart news and holding a positive thought for your hands and bones. Having the bigger Go cutter should help reduce stress on your wrists, for sure.

  6. The quilt is up to your usual wow standard. Hope you get some info on treating/eliminating the cysts. Good your heart is fine. I would buy anything that could keep me quilting. Prayers for perseverance and encouragement!

  7. A wonderful vibrant plus quilt! Thinking of you.

  8. wahoo on the heart....wahoo on the plus quilt...and just plain wahoo...Nice to see you back posting xo

  9. Your PLus quilt is wonderfully lively! Glad you have a feathered friend to keep an eye on things. Can you use your dies from the GO in the new cutter?
    Keep warm and well.

  10. Such good news about your heart, not so good for the hands. I'm sure the cold this morning isn't helping. Your quilt is looking fabulous, Definitely brightens up a winters day.

  11. This is turning into one scrumptious quilt! Sorry to hear you are having troubles with your hands. That is why I have an Accuquilt - I look at it as an investment :)

    Hope your health continues to improve.

  12. Your quilt is looking fantastic! So glad for your good news and that worry can be crossed off the list. Take care of your hands! I've heard having good hobbies like quilting can help you live longer.:)

  13. What a super vibrant quilt. Well done! Good news on the heart front, hope your ideas for finding new ways to quilt work out. Love your NZ black and white kingfishers ( we had lots on the beach where our NZ house was) and of course, as you know, here in the UK ours are beautiful turqoiuse colours. We have a stream that goes through our local park and sometimes I see a kingfisher sitting on a branch overlooking the water. Hope your kingfisher continues to come me to see you!

  14. Welcome back, Maureen! Your plus quilt looks wonderful - really vibrant. Great news about your heart, though I'm sorry about your hands. Hopefully a new cutter will help and of course there may be other quilting goodies out there that will make life easier too.

  15. Sorry it wasn't all good news on the medical front. Hopefully you can find many ways to help with the hand issue. Your Plus Quilt is gorgeous. Love all that pattern and contrast!

  16. A beautiful quilt - the colours alone are very healing xo


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