Waiting In The Wings

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Latest addition to the Parts Box

In my last post I had a photo of progress on my Scrap Vortex which was 
playing havoc with my eyes!! Update - below we have the Parts Box

and now we have the Parts Box with Scrap Vortex creeping in two days
after my last post. The eyes were not happy.

Yes folks I threw in the towel!
I had the idea that a strip could look good in a pieced backing but then
began playing at cutting it up into simple shapes, definitely easier on the eyes.
After the blinding shapes and colour I needed to
work on another Squirrel project which was a little more subdued.
I'm using up left over batik strips 2 and 1/2" wide and using the 2 by 4 setting.
There are still a few more to sew but I have the completed ones just pinned roughly
 on my small design wall,
it's easier to see the blend of colours and then I'll play around
with the mix later.

Soon it will be decision time - do I go with the vertical or horizontal setting.
Which is your preferred orientation?
I think I prefer the vertical.

Other happenings at my place - taking care of little Leila who
was bitten on a back leg by one of the cats next door. It's almost
two weeks now and pretty much healed up. We had
two visits to the vet clinic, it could have been worse.
I normally have two or three sessions taking her into the back garden
for a half an hour play around but one of the devils sneaked
down the side of the shade house and got her before I could make a move.

We've decided she is now being a full time indoor cat! I see lots and lots
of cats featuring in quilters posts both here and on Instagram, I'd be interested to know 
how many of you keep them totally indoors, I do know that Lynne
has Millie, her Tuxedo cat, indoors permanently.

In between trying to sew and nursing duties I did fit in
a walk around the block and spotted a beautiful clump of these flowers,

love the colour.

Back to the sewing machine for me  
Happy Quilting


  1. Much better project for you to work on Maureen. I too prefer the vertical to the horizontal. Interesting. Poor cat, it's such a worry when that happens and also quite expensive. Out two cats go outdoors. We are lucky not to be surrounded by many houses with lots of cats.

  2. Funny how some fabric pairings just don't feel right; I have a flimsy that's been hanging in my closet for ages--and just don't like it..I should cut it up for parts...
    I like the horizontal setting myself...I like the way the purples spread out in this direction. Lovely colors...hugs, Julierose

  3. No cats but comments yes! :) I'm voting for vertical, Susan

  4. I vote horizontal.

    IMHO, Cats should be kept inside. I do know how hard that can be, because we have had a cat or two. But I KNOW there is a Cat Mafia in my neighborhood and also neighbors that hate cats. No kitty is safe outside. All our family live in a 3 x 3 block radius in a rural area. My SIL takes care of feral cats. She has them neutered and has brought a couple in to be permanent indoor cats. It's a jungle out there for cats, as you have already found out.
    xx, Carol

  5. So glad you are brave enough to draw the line when a project just doesn't suit you! Love the 2x4 setting blocks. A hint for your decision on the setting.....a vertical setting will be more visually stimulating---pulling the eye up creates movement and energy. A horizontal setting is calming and restful as it allows the eye to move slowly along the width of the design. Learned this from a Art/design course. So what mood do you like? Right now...for me I vote for horizontal.

  6. What Debbie said is so interesting! Since you love bright and vibrant quilts, perhaps that's why the vertical setting calls you. And that was your first instinct, which is rarely wrong :)

    All our kitties have been indoor cats, and our indoor space is very small! The risk of injury and disease is just so much greater outside. Glad to hear Leila's bite is healing!

  7. Yes vertical is attractive.
    We've had outdoor cats and had problems with neighborhood cats.
    Cats are territorial. The fights and wounds are awful.
    At the time it was our cat beating up the other cats.
    The neighbors didn't like us.
    No easy answer but to keep then indoors, you're right.

  8. I am making one of these, except I am using 3 1/2" strips that I had cut according to Bonnie Hunter's system.
    I keep my cats indoors. My first cats went outside and I had huge vet bills and nursing. They always got into something and ended up hurt/cut/sick. My Cassie had to be put down a couple of months ago, and she was 21, so inside has worked out better for us.

  9. When you next allow your glorious scrap vortex out for some air, try introducing some bits of black and white to let the colors breathe. Perhaps try a simple sashing like the one in Flummadidfle and see how it feels. And if you are truly throwing in the towel on that SV project, I will adopt it and give it a good home.

  10. I've started a Vortex several times but they always end up in the bin if they grow past a foot. There's no control anywhere and it bothers me. Sigh.
    I like your Bars vertical. Are they already sewn or are you going to move them around more? I wasn't sure from your post and know the one I made changed greatly when I moved blocks. Oddly enough, I thought I'd made an "original" block but once I finished I found it everywhere. Oh, well. Glad I've joined with clever minds like yours.
    I'm sorry Leila was hurt. Indoors sounds better. Belling the neighbors cats also sounds good. I bet they've eaten lots of wildlife.

  11. I agree with Julie - maybe adding in some black and white, or another way of giving some structure/breathing space would help the Scrap Vortex, if you go back to it at some point. Vertical Bars for me, though both look good. I hope Leila recovers soon - cat saliva is nasty stuff so it sounds like indoors is the better option.

  12. Love the colors in your new project. I like the vertical orientation better. Happy stitching this week.

  13. My cats have always been indoor only. We have Bald Eagles and Barn Owls in the 'hood. My cats would be a tasty snack.

  14. Your squirrel coin project is beautiful--either horizontal or vertical. So beautiful I may have to make one. As we head into fall/winter, I could use some batik therapy.

    My cats are indoor only although Molly thinks this is up for debate. It isn't. Recently there was a box by the side of the road with a large note on it saying "Black cat--dead. Hit by car." Having them inside means more interruptions and individual playtime...but its worth it.

  15. Another vote for vertical - and fascinating how different the settings make it look!


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