Waiting In The Wings

Saturday, February 2, 2019


Not a very inspiring post title I know, we've been having a heatwave all week
and it's been too hot for me to think of quilting, at least serious quilting.
This morning I'm rushing because I'm off to check out a new iPhone
I've been thinking of buying.

We did make a brief visit to a store to buy this bamboo quilt
ladder, $NZ 27, not bad. I just needed something to use for
hanging some of my quilt tops, it's presently sitting in the
entrance hall and providing some colour, goes pretty well with a
pastel art by my hubby and the old desk.
Wish I had bought two!
Side by side they would have hidden the wire you can see in the photo.

I had two quilts returned from

 shame about the sun on the RH side.

Backing is the KF wide fabric  below

just needs binding now but I'm waiting for a cooler day!

The other quilt I'll show soon.

The only other sewing was a few blocks for the
two below

more to come later posted here and over on
Basket full of Scraps.

All for now, must get to the store.
Happy quilting!



  1. LOVELY ladder -- yes, you should have gotten two (grin). Love your newly quilted quilt!

  2. Yes, I think you should go back and get another ladder. It looks like a great way to store the tops until finishing when they add to the decor.

  3. Happy Saturday to you. Love your ladder for displaying quilts, fabulous idea. I agree it's a bit warm for quilts on laps for hand binding. Enjoy.

  4. The ladder is great. I like the size and yes, two please! You could then shift one when needed else where. The tops are beautiful on display. Wish we could send our cold to you for some warm temps.

  5. You made good use of the ladder, lots of fun and bright there. Hope you are in store for some cooler weather soon.

  6. Your quilts look great on the ladder! And I do like your blocks for the UandU quilt.

  7. I love the idea of the ladder holding your quilts. It's so nice to here how warm your area is since it's so cold here. I'm looking forward to some warmer temperatures! I love your blocks as well as your quilt!

  8. How fun to display your tops on the ladder there where you can enjoy them! The hexagon quilt turned out so beautifully with the quilting. And I know how soft it will be, using all the KF fabrics. Delicious! :)

  9. I really like how your quilts look on the ladder and it's so nice they can be out where you can see and enjoy them. I'm liking those U&U blocks a lot too.

  10. Hi Maureen, love the ladder and it does look great beside husband's pastel. Two is an excellent idea. Blocks get a great big tick too. Hugs.

  11. I have been thinking about sewing a similar hexagon quilt with my blue and purple Kaffe. Your quilt is beautiful!

  12. Oh yes, you should have bought 2 ladders, I think $27 is a good price. Ladders are a great way to display a few quilts without having to go to the bother of hanging them up.

  13. I love how you use color, it makes all the difference.
    Yes, the quilt ladder is great, and your husband's work, attractive.
    Thanks for the inspiration, I' m going to sit for a while and take it all in.

  14. Those birds are delightful. And I'm so glad to see you back sewing and to see a look back at your quilt tops. And hope your weather improves!

  15. Well, they sure do look lovely with all that gorgeous saturated color! YUMMMMMMMMM!! Don't you enjoy just looking at them? Even though they aren't quilted yet? I've come to the realization that piecing is my favorite part. If I could send out all of my quilts for someone else to do, I would!


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