Waiting In The Wings

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

It's been a long time !!!

Almost four weeks since I last wrote a post, lots going on around here mostly
due to 
medical issues to cope with for me, hopefully matters have eased somewhat and normal 
service should be resumed!

Last time I posted I had made a start on Chain Link Horizon, a little progress 
happened this week.

Not what I could call an elegant photograph,
I've sewn four rows together at one time and pinned them up on the wall,
trimming needs to be dealt with and threads cleaned up. Five more rows
yet to sew.

The eagle-eyed amongst you will spot that the blue 'star' on the RH side
has two different fabrics in the top three half hexagons. I had a small piece
of a lovely Philip Jacobs fabric left in my blue bin and was sure there
was just enough for the three needed and began cutting - wrong, not
enough so I substituted with one piece of 
PJ Blue Feathers. 

Three of my favourite combinations are below.

So what have I been doing whilst taking an enforced break?
Catching up on reading, planning a re-organisation of my
quilting studio, thinking about what needs to be taken care of
in the garden, but not able to do it, deciding which older pieces of
furniture will get the Chalk Paint treatment.

Watching Autumn creep into the garden has been a pleasure, just
walking around looking at which plants have finished and
which are now flowering - not many I'm afraid.

On a walk around the block this beautiful Liquidambar
caught my eye

along with a favourite sight of mine at this time of year

a Sasanqua camellia, I always love to see
the carpet of fallen petals, and of course now flowering
are the hibiscus

we have quite a few in our garden.

 I'm devoting tomorrow morning to catching up with reading your blog posts,
unfortunately this daily pleasure fell by the wayside.
I'm looking forward to my normal routine again now.

See you soon!!



  1. Lovely progress on your Chain Link piece...
    happy to hear you are feeling better and well enough to continue sewing....
    we are just moving (so s l o w l y)into Springtime here--
    it's been so gray and rain filled every day...but the daffodils' flowering have signaled that it's coming...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Great to see you are back, however, I wish you had been gone on some fabulous vacation instead of medical leave. Love to see the plants and flowers around you- so different from around me. It is finally spring here- my tulips are a riot. I don't know how you can get those diamonds to float above the hexagons so perfectly.

  3. I have missed you and the lovely combinations of colors and patterns you create. So sorry it was enforced and medical. That's a scary sounding phrase. So very glad you are back up and moving again. The garden views are always lovely to see. Thanks for sharing them.

  4. I like that chain quilt - I haven't seen it around blog land

  5. Glad to see you back, and hoping you are feeling better day by day! I just love this Chainlink Fence pattern. Are you using half-hexagon templates to cut the fabrics?

  6. so very happy to have you back...and your beautiful quilt xoxo

  7. Pleased to see you have been able to do some sewing. Hope you continue to improve. The quilt is looking great.

  8. The chain link is very interesting - great way to showcase fabrics with a visually pleasing design. Glad things are returning more to normal for you.

  9. It feels so good to get back into routine after some forced time away from it. Hope you really are on the mend for good! Love seeing your quilt coming together. The colors are fantastic!

  10. great quilt! Hope you are feeling better with your health issues.

  11. Wonderful fabrics in a lovely design. I'm glad you're feeling better. Like you, I'm still working on getting back to normal. Better every day. It does encourage us to look around and enjoy each day though.

  12. Chain Link Horizon is beautiful. Love the mix of prints with that teal. Very pretty. Glad you've conquered the medical stuff and are back to stitching.

  13. Nice to see you back and I'm glad you are feeling better. I like the Chain Link very much as a way of showing off your brilliant colour combinations (at each photo I thought 'oh, this is my favourite...') and the teal diamonds are the perfect foil for the richness of your prints. Your autumn looks pretty and a lot warmer than our spring, which is blooming miserable.

  14. Hi Maureen, I'm glad you're feeling better. Thanks for sharing the photos, beautiful.
    And the colors in your Chain Link Horizon remind me of a formal garden, lots to enjoy.

  15. A lovely chain link horizon; such a riot of wonderful fabrics! Your hibiscus bloom has a beautifully subtle combination of shades. I've only seen bright red ones blooming in Southern Europe; here a larger variety are sold as house plants, but are prone to blight.

  16. I'm enjoying the progress on this one. Hope you're doing well.

  17. I love the Chain Link quilt you're working on. Your fabrics are gorgeous. I do hope you're feeling better. Life does get in the way of our quilting but that makes our quilting time even more precious! So glad you're back!


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