Waiting In The Wings

Friday, June 14, 2019

Planning, Surprises and Sunrise - heavy on photos!

I have a total finish!!
The quilt for Bea's 20th birthday has now been bound, she doesn't know
anything about this surprise at all, I hope she likes it!!

Photos taken on the old deck

Two more quilt tops are on their way to Leeanne
for her to work her magic with the quilting

Rainbow Blur below

and my Tula Pink top

I'm just about to bind one of my Memory Quilts - quick peek at a
smidgy bit of it below.

I need to get down down to some serious planning on quilts to be made,
size, fabrics chosen and so on. It's going to be a hard task to decide which to play with
over the next twelve months. I'm having a sale at our Auckland Quilt Guild
early August, with the results of a serious de-stash.

An echocardiogram a couple of weeks ago gave us a surprise,
I have a congenital heart defect, not picked up before.
My aortic valve did not form correctly, instead of having
three leaflets (tri-leaflet) which peel back fully in order to let the blood flow mine
is bicuspid, the valve only splits into two flaps, looks like a round emoji with just the smile!
This, as you can see, is a
slight problem!
The  valve thickens and becomes stiff  (stenosis) and is a disorder which is progressive - 
presently mild but progression rate is variable, hence my decision to take stock
of my proposed quilting and fabrics, hopefully prematurely!

However, life goes on and just look at this sunrise two days ago,
took my breath away.

You can just see a peep of soft turquoise streaking in through the trees.

Have a great weekend, see you soon.



  1. Congratulations on a really beautiful blue finish, Maureen, I bet Bea will be thrilled. With 2 more heading off to be quilted it looks like you are going to be sharing a whole bunch of finishes soon.

  2. Beautiful colours, all of my favourites, and the border that surrounds it is perfect. Some hard decisions, but those fabrics willhave a loving new home. XXX

  3. I find it hard to part with my quilts I don't know why but I do. Good luck with your decisions. I hope all will go well with your heart health, maybe the experts can fix this?


  4. The birthday quilt is amazing! So striking and I am sure she will love it....who wouldn't? But the Rainbow Blur is wonderful.....how have I missed this one? I love it. Did a quick search and found the pattern. I may need to play around with this a bit, using my floral stash. Thanks for the tip")

    I understand your desire for a de-stash, but don't go overboard! We need your color and sense and style to make our days brighter. Take your time to define what you enjoy doing, and want to do. Forget the fads and what other people push forward. It's your life and you make the most of it. Granted the heart valve news is less than what we want to hear, but it does not define what you enjoy. Let nothing shorten your days of sewing....except visions of beautiful sunsets/sunrises.

  5. Your finishes are so lovely--I especially like the Tula Pink gradation as you move down the piece--very nice.
    Sorry to hear about your medical issue--but perhaps now that it has been found, you will be able with athat correct diagnosis to move on...Here's hoping...hugs, Julierose

  6. fun and colorful quilts and what an amazing sun rise! wow! Mother Nature has perfect color sense

  7. Maureen, for a moment I thought the sunset photo was another one of your deeply saturated and gorgeous quilts! Destash what doesn't make you happy, clear out the dull and drab, make way for your newly focused quilting. I'm glad they were able to find your heart valve shape now, before it caused any unexpected issues. You have good doctors! And we've all known that you have a special heart, we just didn't know it was medically special, too. I hope you have loving friends and family around to lift your spirits as you navigate this new information. We, your quilty friends, are holding you in our own hearts and thoughts :)

  8. De-stashing....oh, so hard. Be sure to only get rid of things that don't make your heart sing. You need inspiration around you even if it is a pile of fabric you never get around to using. Petting and refolding fabric is therapy too. It doesn't all need to be cut and sewn.

  9. I'm always inspired at seeing your latest quilts. All are beautiful. The Kaffe hexie star is on my list but probably not this year. I'm wishing you luck with the destash. I find it very hard to part with fabric even though I know I should let go of some of mine in order to focus on that which truly inspires me to create. Wishing you the best with your medical diagnosis too.

  10. Congratulations on a gorgeous finish, I love the hexie stars, wow. Your other projects are exciting.
    I agree, keeping those thrilling colors and patterns around is good medicine.
    You're an inspiration, let that encourage you, there's always another fabulous sunrise! Our prayers are with you.

  11. I absolutely love your quilts. They are wonderful eye candy for me.

  12. I agree with the others - de-stash what fails to make you delighted and keep the rest. Just having it within eyesight is better than a boring bland wall (trust me, I have recent experience with this). Culling and editing are always a smart move - good luck with the process (and I think your quilt for Bea is magnificent!)

  13. Bea’s birthday quilt is so lovely - all those rich, saturated colors. The sunrise makes a good start for another quilt... after your destash. Yes, I’ve spent a couple of years trying to reduce my stash but it keeps reforming. There is a point where we must decide how many hours a day we will put into this and what else we want to do in our shortening lives.

  14. I can always count on you to share some colorful beauties. I love them all!

    I too have been faced with destashing. It is hard at first but I have also found it to be freeing. I still have plenty of fabric to play with :)

  15. The 'rainbow blur' quilt is great, lots of colour! And I'm sure Bea is going to love her quilt! Destashing is a core, but it needs to be done occasionaly. And, I find it very satifying afterwards!

  16. It would be a thrill to receive a quilt like that for a gift. Your Tula top is pretty stunning too.

  17. great post and wonderful wonderful work xo


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