Waiting In The Wings

Friday, September 13, 2019

Scraps on Friday and other things

No actual sewing has happened since I last posted, I decided to begin
the organisation of my studio by sorting my scraps.

A huge shock was in store for me because I had six
of these bins below tucked away under my large extension table.
You can see they are literally bursting!!

Scraps date from present day to way, way back.
Each of these cardboard bins are full, I weighed each one,
 12lbs give or take a few ounces under or over,  I calculate
that within each bin sits approximately 36 yards of fabric!!
By my reckoning six bins gives me approximately 
216 yards of fabric scraps.
I am drowning in scraps!!!! I was so overwhelmed that I 
promptly replaced them under the table to sort next week and moved on to
opening a package in the mail - not more fabric - but I think
the most delicious book I have ever seen!

From QUILTmania comes
this treasure below,
text in both French and English and is a book about the collector
and his quilts.

Just look at this quilt below

I saw this book pop up on Instagram a few days ago and was hooked.
If you do have the chance to turn the pages of this book you will see why.
Time will be set aside each week to spend reading in a quiet corner.

More fabric selections for my UANDUQAL quilt
have been selected and will be under the machine next week.

A walk through the garden yesterday revealed below

one of my clumps of bluebells. These harbingers of Spring, along with crocus,
are the flowers of my childhood days playing in the fields at the side of
my home in Lancashire.  Nostalgia sweeps over me when I
see and smell these blooms.

Dawn is here much earlier now and I love to be up 
watching the sunrise. At 6.30am yesterday I took this photo
of the sun hitting the bare oak branches giving them a golden glow,

sights like this are the perfect start to my day.

Happy Quilting



  1. I thought I had lots of scraps, as I save every last piece of any batik, but you beat me hands down!!! I, too, have some bluebells out, and your pink bulbs must be somewhere in the garden here. What a wonderful book, just the one while sitting in that morning sunshine.

  2. The scraps multiply at night I think.:) Love the looks of that book! Thanks for sharing!

  3. My scraps have babies every night but they are nowhere near as prolific as yours. What fun to spend an afternoon browsing through an excellent quilt history... or any other book. Enjoy.

  4. Your Tale of the Six bins of Scraps made me laugh! Now you need to get those red bins out again and sew some Delicious String Quilts - your scraps look delightful, such a lovely mixture of fabrics. Another UK memory for you - did you have Dolly Mixtures when you were a little girl? I did, Nana bought me 2oz every week in a little cornet-shaped paper bag. The book looks lovely. Hope you are good at reading French! Happy sewing!

  5. Great scraps! Wow, think of all the quilts you could make with the huge assortment. Glad you found a motivational, inspirational book. The fall colors here are rich and the rain helped them to get some punch. Wish the days were getting longer here.

  6. What a book, what a lot of scraps, what beautiful blocks (in past posts that I just read) and what beautiful flowers. Happy Spring from me in Canada where we are starting autumn.
    A wonderful blog!

  7. I am swooning over all those beautiful scraps! I would lock myself in my sewing room and sew for days :)

  8. 'Tale of the Six Bins of Scraps' ! What an adventure! Between those scraps and the inspiration from your new book anything is possible.
    And the blue bells do bring good memories to my mind.
    Thanks for sharing, Maureen, I needed that.

  9. OMG...Me too....and why do I need fabric, when the scraps are everywhere multiplying like rabbits... Sigh...and I love them all...cannot wait to see what you do with them and how you organize them xo

  10. Just in case someone hasn't yet heard of her, heck out Bonnie Hunter, she is my Queen of Scraps.

  11. Hmm - that is alot of acraps. Maybe you could make scrap bags up and sell them ....

  12. If I were any place close to you, I'd rush over and help you pet and sort all those scraps! It would be fun for me to get them all organized. I know it would be an abundance of gorgeous color :)

  13. Quiltmania do the best books, don't they? Your scraps look like a treasure trove to me.

  14. I've never seen that book before but it looks wonderful! I may have to look for it! I know how the scraps get out of control. I have way too many. Even though I try to use them up, they never seem to ever decrease in size.

  15. Yes, your scraps look especially delicious. Apparently gourmet meals give gourmet leftovers!

  16. Your new book looks like a real treasure and should give you hours of pleasure. My scrap pile is scary too - they multiply as quickly as I use them!


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