Waiting In The Wings

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Back at the machine and enjoying the garden

Back to playing with fabric again, at last!
I'm taking it slowly on the sewing machine and just made one block each day
over the past five days.
I've also purchased a new 'toy' to save the strain on my hands and arms and

had a quick practice with my new 1 and 1/2" cut square die

four 5" squares on the die

two passes through the machine and I have 72 squares!
Only a little waste left over and I 
 have a project in mind using lots of 1" finished squares.

On to the new blocks for UANDUQAL

and just three more to go then I'll have reached my goal of 30 blocks.
Hopefully I will have these finished early next week in order
to have all blocks up on the wall ready for arranging and I can then get
onto the borders.

Whilst having my enforced break I've spent time reading, planning and
enjoying time sitting on one of the garden benches and taking photos of
early Spring blooms.

Rose -  Buff Beauty

Rose - Jean Ducher

Wisteria, not sure whether the Chinese or Japanese one

Fuschia or to give this plant a name from childhood
'Ladies Eardrops'

One day I had a visitor as I was photographing the roses

a beautiful wee ladybird!

This post is short on words and heavy on photos 
but I'm being careful of the time spent
on the keyboard for another week.

I'm signing off with a favourite quote of mine from Oscar Wilde:

With freedom, books, flowers and the moon,
who could not be happy?

See you all next week - happy quilting.



  1. I'm so glad you're better and have found a way to safeguard your hands. Your U&U is so exciting. Love it.

  2. Lovely new cutter, and the garden beauties are great.

  3. The new cutter will be the best thing for you! I bet your roses smell divine.

  4. Love that U & U First block--it looks like caramel candy--lovely blocks..glad you are back to sewing...enjoy the cutter hugs, Julierose

  5. So glad you are back stitching! I vote for anything to make our passion easier.

  6. Great post Maureen...You are better...you are taking care of yourself...a lucky ladybug, stunning blocks and a great quote...nothing could be better xo

  7. I'm happy to see you treated yourself to the electric GO Big die cutter. That will be so much easier on you and you will get so much more cutting done. I love your color choices in your quilts and your spring flowers, WOW! Such great color all around you.

  8. Your die cutter machine looks like a great help! And your blocks are just like touring a garden, wonderful.
    Speaking of gardens, thanks for sharing your garden photos, what a treat.
    I'm glad you're on the mend.

  9. Lovely to see you back and on the improve. Great machine 👍 I have the Go cutter and love it. Such gorgeous blocks. The rich ess of the colours are amazing. Love the garden photos too. So nice to be able to enjoy flowers again. Hugs. 😊

  10. Congrats on the new die cutter - for ever so many reasons. Your flowers are GORGEOUS -- thank you for posting the photos!

  11. It's so good to have you back! Missed all your bright colors - both your blocks and your flowers!
    Enjoy that cutter - it's going to make your life much easier!

  12. Your blocks are so gorgeous, the flowers so inspiring, and so good to see you able to work. I was going to finish a comfort quilt today, but wrenched the back on the rowing machine in rehab and in pain all day. Hope to be better and get that binding done.

  13. So smart to get an automatic cutter! That will make a big difference, I think. And one block a day is steady progress, very good :) Glad to see you up and about and sharing your lovely photos!

  14. So glad to see you're back! I've been thinking about buying one of the new die cutters. Let me know how you like it!

  15. So pleased to hear you have been able to do a little sewing again. One block a day is a sensible target. Very pretty Blocks! Enjoyed your lovely flower photos. Here is dreary dark mornings and lots of rain.

  16. Exciting progress on your uandu quilt, love it! Nice to see some garden colour. Is yours a 'cutting' garden, or do you leave things out there!

  17. Welcome back. Nothing wrong with lots of photos. I always think a blog is a little like a magazine, lots to look at and not always requiring a lot to read. That cutter looks like a good investment.
    Happy weekending to you.

  18. Your new toy should give you more time for sewing. I love your blocks!


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