Waiting In The Wings

Friday, January 3, 2020

New Year, New Decade, New Word

I wonder what this next decade will bring for us all and
for the planet!
The disasters happening presently around the world and
close to home in Australia are unbelievable.

However, enough said on that subject, on to things to lighten our hearts.

My word for this year is a little different in that it's Greek

and there is no English equivalent word!
Basically it means to do something with soul, creativity, passion or love,
to put a piece of yourself into what you're doing.
It could be applied to so many things in life.

I don't remember where nor when I came across Meraki, I've hunted
for my Greek language book from aeons ago but can't find it. 
I looked for translations on the internet and they more or less all
have the same interpretation as above.

For me right now I'm putting Meraki into the making of the quilt shown
in my last post, and below, for my friend who haas cancer.

A few more mixed diamonds are on the wall, I will be shifting
them around when all are up there, but given the layout above
measurements would be
49" across x 72" down
and I don't want to go any longer but wonder if the width is sufficient
for a lap quilt, feedback would be welcome!

That's all from me today, I'm hoping to have more quiet time to work
out quilting goals and projects for this year over the next few days.


Sue and Elle, thank you for your comments, I am unable to reply as you are showing as noreply-comment bloggers.


  1. What a fantastic word. Love it! Your quilt is really shaping up so nicely. I don't see why 48" wouldn't work well for a decent sized lap quilt. Great that it will have plenty of length to wrap under her feet if that's what she likes too.:) Happy, happy New Year!

  2. What a good word for the year.
    Love your Kaffe quilt for your friend. What a beautiful gift. I think It looks wonderful!

  3. Love your word Meraki. Definitely a good word for the year. Amazingly my husband hadn’t heard of it - that is a rare occurrence!
    Your diamond quilt is coming on beautifully. Seems a good size to me and I agree with Audrey’s Comment . Your friend will greatly appreciate it - my Patchwork Group made me a Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt when I was having treatment and I so loved all the get well thoughts embedded in it.

  4. I think it will work and it is so pretty and bright she will love it for sure knowing you are thinking of her and her comfort while she goes through treatment - best of luck to her.
    I think that is a great word!

  5. Beautiful word choice, Maureen :)))
    That quilt is going to be a lovely one...great fabrics...hugs, Julierose

  6. For comfort that is a good size. It is one I commonly use for my small throws. From experience it is a good size for covering you in a chair or hospital bed.
    Love your word....it is an expression I have used about my quilts.....I put a piece of my heart in each one. So, I get it.
    Love this design and it will look so great.
    Hope you are safe with all the destruction in your part of the world.

  7. That is such a perfect word for any quilter, our hearts and souls are a part of every quilt we make, especially those made for dear friends going through difficult times. I love where your diamond quilt is heading, she will love it.

  8. Hi Maureen, my daughter and grandson feel that 50"x70" is perfect for a lap quilt on their sofa.They are basing that on an old quilt and as I do not pre-wash fabric, I like to add a couple inches in both directions for shrinkage. I love what you have up on the wall so far, it would surly pick up my spirits!

  9. Love the diamonds. I find that quilts "feel" best to me when width is 2/3 of the length. So I think you're spot on with the size!

    Love your word of the year :-)

  10. I named one of my quilts Meraki - it's a terrific word and way of working. Happy New Year!!!

  11. The meraki in this gorgeous diamond quilt shines through, Maureen! I'm sure your friend will feel the love and healing embedded in it. The size sounds perfect to me to sit on her lap, or cover her as she naps on the couch. Not too bulky, not too small. Perfect :)

  12. A beautifully meaningful word and a gorgeous quilt from your heart. Exactly what I've come to expect from you, Maureen. Congratulations.

  13. Thanks for the good wishes. And your arrangement is looking great.
    Best wishes for you and your family too.

  14. I think 72" is good. Nothing worse with your toes sticking out because the quilt is too short. Beautiful colors and fabrics and designs.

  15. I love the concept of putting your heart into what you make. Of course most of us wouldn't quilt if we didn't enjoy it but to be genuinely conscious of putting ourselves into it is very inspiring. Have a wonderful 2020.

  16. Absolutely agree with all that has been said Maureen. Your Meraki shines through this quilt and all you make. Hugs.

  17. Wonderful word, wonderful work and wonderful friend xox

  18. I love your new word and feel all quilters know what that word means whenever they make a quilt. How nice of you to make that quilt for your friend! I wish you a Happy New Year!

  19. This quilt is going to be lovely. You are definitely applying Meraki as you make it.

  20. Meraki makes sense to me! Beautiful start, I'm sure your friend will love it!

  21. What a fantastic word choice, Maureen, for both your quilting and the rest of life. Your diamonds already show that spirit shining through and will make a lovely, heart-warming gift for your friend.

  22. What a beautiful word Maureen. I'm sure it will guide you well through this year.


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