Waiting In The Wings

Friday, July 31, 2020

Time Out

A quick left handed written  note to say I won't be posting for a few days I've damaged my right forearm and wrist  waiting for xray results and ultrasounds to begin the diagnosis process.
I hd  worked a little more on my squirrel quilt and ihope tovget back into it soon i shall be reading blogs but forgive me for no typing comments,



  1. Oh no! Praying that your diagnosis is quick and precise. So sorry for the setback. The colors in the photo are so glorious.

  2. Not something else! You are having a frightful time of it. Hope the diagnosis is not too bad and that you will heal up quickly. It was misery to be one handed/one armed when i broke the shoulder. We will be praying.

  3. So sorry to hear about your injury. Hope it isn't serious and will heal fast. The blocks here really caught my eye and I'm looking forward to seeing more. They remind me of the strip pieced spiderweb quilt I have on the back burner. I hope to get further along with it later this year.

  4. How could that happen, and to your right hand too, you did so well to manage to type this and add a photo. Hope they sort it out very quickly, and find the problem pronto, waiting is too hard to imagine.XXXX

  5. No No No...Maureen...You have had so much..I am sending love and hugs and hope your way xoxo

  6. Oh Maureen, what a shame. Take care!!!

  7. Oh, dear! Hoping it's minor and that you heal quickly! Rest!

  8. This has just NOT been your year, has it? I hope you get your x-ray results quickly and can move down the road to healing. Meanwhile, we all understand completely that you can't type. Hang in here as best you can one-handed!

  9. I hope all is on the mend with your arm. Love the colors on the blocks! take care!

  10. I hope you recover soon Maureen. Did you see where poor Pat Sloan tripped over and broke BOTH her wrists.

  11. I'm so sorry that your fabulous work is on hiatus and sorrier that your poor arm must ache. I wish you a speedy and full recovery.

  12. Oh dear, hope it's good news and a speedy recovery. You'll have time to sit and peruse all your beautiful books now though.

  13. Take care dear friend and I hope that you are back at it soon. The work in your previous post is so amazing - full of light and love and energy. Take good care. xo

  14. Never a good time to be injured. Hope you recover quickly!:)


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