Waiting In The Wings

Sunday, March 21, 2021

My first post of Autumn

 It's now been just on three weeks since I wrote a post.
The past three months have been a really stressful time for me and my quilting and
blog posting
have suffered as a result of this, but I'm back on board now, fingers crossed!!

The last official day of Summer here in NZ I picked the last of the  sweet peas
growing in the garden, I'm missing their sweet perfume!

However the first day of Autumn had the most beautiful sunset,
the colours became richer as the minutes passed, but I rather like
the soft golden glow in the clouds right here.

For those who follow me regularly you will know that I'm sewing along with
AHIQ String Pieced Tulips QAL
and my progress has been slow, there are now more blocks on the wall,
some sewn together and others pinned in place all ready to hit the sewing
machine tomorrow.

Only three more blocks to go before I make a start on the tulips. 

I took the opportunity to add to my fabric store during my quiet time, some of my favourites below
from Kaffe Fassett Collective latest range

and I also made a start on adding fabrics for eldest grandson's quilt
to a collection from the store.

 Hoping to make a start on this at the end of April.
If you click on any of the photos they will enlarge.

Confession Time
I have been really lax with my reading of blog posts from you all, only able to spend  a little time now and again, I know there will be many I've 
missed reading, sending my apologies to all of you!

See you soon



  1. Happy to see you back again, Maureen; life sometimes takes over our desires to blog and quilt. Take it good and easy on your return.
    Your string blocks are looking really good--I am pinning the bottom border of Night Flight (geese) in readiness for machine quilting along with top border--I split this into 3 sections for QAYG method. Hoping it works out...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Glad to see you blogging again, I was getting anxious. As always I love all your KF fabrics, the colours are stunning so they are ideal for the QAL. I’m doing it too but don’t know how it will look because I’ve used a hodge podge of fabrics. Made all the blocks but haven’t started on the tulips yet.

  3. Happy first day of Autumn (here it was the first day of Spring). Those string blocks and the stash enhancements are divine -- such gorgeous color combinations!

  4. I added the green feathers to my collection too. Some of the new ones this year from the Kaffe Collective are really great.

  5. Your blocks are lovely, your love of pure clean colors just glows from the blocks. How exotic to think you're starting Autumn and we've just had our first official day of Spring. I'm on the western coast of Oregon, and the marine effect moderates our weather year-round, and so we've really had spring weather for several months already. I love the pile of fabrics you've composed for your eldest grandson's quilt. I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll do with them. Smiles, peace, joy and deep contentment to you, always.

  6. Nice to hear from you again. That evening cloud formation was beautiful. Your string for the tulip challenge look very good. For once, the calendar beginning of spring is actually accompanied by spring weather. Sunny and 60F today, so I'll be venturing out to do some clean up of winter garden debris.

  7. So glad to see a new post from you. Your new fabric, the string blocks, and the fabric pull for your grandson's quilt are just lucious!! The colors are so beautiful! Take good care of yourself, and I hope you will feel like writing more often.

  8. Spring says hello to autumn...daffodils to turning leaves...thinking of you..sending a hug or two xox

  9. Welcome back, life unfortunately has a habit of getting in the way of good intentions. Loving those stash enhancements.

  10. Gorgeous sunset photo! No worries about keeping up with blogs. I'm way behind myself, skipping over lots of posts and only occasionally leaving comments. I think everyone understand how weird and "off" life is lately :)

  11. Sunset photo looks like a Maxfield Parrish painting with all the glowing. Spring is starting slowly, I have a few crocus and the helleborus is blooming.

  12. I'm so glad you're feeling better and are back online. What glorious fabrics you used in these blocks! It's almost spring here and I just finished planting five of my large pots. Here's hoping they will bake it through our hot summer.

  13. Welcome back, Maureen. I hope the autumn is a better time for you. Your string blocks are looking glorious - I am looking forward to seeing them with the tulips.

  14. Your string blocks are looking incredible! Don't worry about the blog reading. We all have cycles of being more involved or not.:) Sometimes Life is just more challenging than others.

  15. terrific fabric choices....love all things kaffe!


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