Waiting In The Wings

Thursday, December 2, 2021

A little more progress - a new quilt

My last post I was debating which binding to use on
Dolly Mixtures I had a photo of two binding samples against the quilt and asked
for thoughts on which to go with.
Julie aka quiltdivajulie
said in her comment that she was torn between the two shown and the backing
fabric I intending using could influence her choice - good point made.

I've decided on the Green Guinea Flower to go with the bright backing,
this fabric has been sitting on the shelf for a number of years, the many coloured parrots
nicely fit with the fabrics in Dolly Mixtures.

It's been a slow two weeks involving a visit to the hospital
for a consult with a Neurologist, I won't bore you with the medical details
apart from saying that there may be mistakes in words and phrasing
in my posts, these and other symptoms are felt to be consistent
 with a functional neurological disorder.
I know also that my comments on blog posts from others have perhaps been brief
so please forgive me if I do slip up here and there.

A bright spot on the day of the visit was stopping off at our local beach at
Cockle Bay on the drive home

the tide was  out and the sand positively glowed!

Quilting - a quilt for our eldest grandson - 21yrs in January - needed to be
dealt to reasonable quickly, having enjoyed working with the simple squares
of Dolly Mixtures I decided to go with the same format but larger squares,
progress so far

the very dark one on the left will probably be moved, it's looking a little overpowering
just there I think and you can see I'm going with the same format used with DM to create a border
of just  one fabric - KF  Baba Ganoush - another favourite fabric. Fussy cutting is
necessary to create the effect here, I can see there are two squares in the top row
which I'll change out tomorrow. The squares will finish at 4"

Luckily grandson loves colour and will not be averse to having a few
flowery squares in the quilt but I am trying to keep those to a minimum, a 
little tricky when you're a collector of KF Collective fabrics!!

Summer officially began yesterday here in New Zealand, flowers are blooming
and my hydrangeas have excelled themselves, here are two below

the pink one truly is a rich pink.

See you soon, until then happy quilting.



  1. Loving how the crosses quilt is coming together Maureen--nice to hear that you are able to sew these days...Beautiful beach scene--it is so refreshing to gaze at the ocean I always think...;)))
    Take care and enjoy the day hugs, Julierose

  2. Beautiful quilt in progress! I'm glad your grandson loves color - it lets you do what you do best!
    And oh, my, that pink hydrangea is absolutely stunning! Lucky you!

  3. Your grandson's lucky! He's getting a crosses quilt made by his Grandmother of the best fabric ever! Enjoy the process.

  4. Baba Ganoush is one of my favorites too. I was fortunate to get a large piece of the red on sale and have used it in one quilt already. I have small pieces of all of the colors. It definitely has changes in color to be dealt with.
    Your hydrangeas are beautiful.

    I think we all are struggling in some way with what we are dealt as we are aging. Neurological is such a big scary word but once you know what you are dealing with it is easier to live with it.

  5. Love the backing fabric! And that beach photo ….. deep sigh of contentment.

  6. That combination of backing fabric and binding is spot on! Hydrangeas always make me think of New Zealand - we had big bushes of really deep red ones in our front garden in Auckland.

  7. Great choice for your binding. And I do like your 2nd version of the 'crosses' quilt, the Kaffe "border" going to look super!

  8. A friend said to me..."just keep swimming, just keep swimming" like in the movie...and that is what we do!!! We carry on xoxo

  9. Oh Maureen! I'm sorry to hear about your neurological problems! I've been remiss in blog-reading (due to being away from home for ten days), so I've missed your posts, but I hate reading this. No doubt your concerns are justified, and they sound frustrating. Still, I'm glad you continue to create, which must surely be good therapy. The quilt you're making for your grandson is marvelous! I am smiling though because you commented about KF prints being flower-y. Honestly, that's one of the reasons I don't like KF prints - so many of them are flowers! Now if Kaffe would use the same colors and design them with graphic shapes, I'd have oodles in my stash! :-) Take care of yourself!


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