Waiting In The Wings

Sunday, May 1, 2022

I'm still here!!

Yes folks I am still around and over the past two days I've been spending a little time here and there in my happy place aka sewing studio, following a difficult month. All motivation left me totally, I haven't been reading blogs and had no interest in my quilting, I was completely overwhelmed with all my health issues and especially so with the new problems since January. During this time I have been  attending appointments either at the hospital, hand physio, shoulder physio, balance physio, orthopaedic dept, cardiac dept. my family doctor plus one emergency dept visit and fitting in exercises daily as required by the various physiotherapists - you get the picture!

However today is May 1st,  a new month and the turning over of a page, what better way to begin than a short visit to the beach - love those clouds just double click to view a larger shot - 

and pulling a few fabrics to add to already gathered pieces for a new quilt

lovely rich colour to brighten any day!

As I am only able to work at the computer for 15 minutes at one time before my shoulder packs in I was wondering how on earth I would write blog posts, a dear blogger friend Linda at Art In Search suggested voice recognition software!!! Telephone call to the guy we've worked with for years with our computers to ask for info - turns out it is already set up on my Mac - hopefully in a few days I shall be reasonably proficient, this post is using the keyboard as normal.  Break time now,  back shortly.

The inspiration for the fabric pulls you see above was the combination below

I fell in love with this colourway of Hokusai Chrysanthemums  from Philip Jacobs and by chance I had the raspberry blender fabric on the the table as I unpacked new fabrics. I hope to have progress to show you in a few days time.

You may be wondering what has happened to Fractured 2 which was on my design wall, this is now consigned to the parts box, I just couldn't work on it any longer so there was no point in trying to push myself, better to begin something new.

I've been enjoying not clearing weeds out of the garden beds but sitting on the garden bench watching John take care of this chore! A lot of the shrubs have long since finished flowering but the hibiscus are a joy to behold right at the moment, here's one of my favourites

That's all from me for now, I intend to post again in a few days with a little more content, fingers crossed!

Happy Quilting



  1. My absolute favorite fabrics! All that richness of color is sure to bring you joy when you cut and sew. Hope you’re back to all the things you love a little more each day.

  2. Gosh, you really have been through it since January!! ;((( Hope this new month shows improvement for you;)))
    What a pretty fabric combo from that P. Jacobs one--will be looking forward to seeing what becomes of those colorways...Hang in there and Stay healthy
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. I'm sorry you've had such a rough time. I guess when you feel better, the sewing will seem more interesting again. In the meantime, I like the sound of your voice recognition blogging!

  4. Beautiful fabrics! Beautiful water and clouds! Beautiful flower! So glad you have lots of contentment in these parts of your life since it sounds like your health is a real challenge right now. I'm always glad to see a post from you. Hopefully the voice technology will work easily, and you can write more often. Take good care of yourself.

  5. I hope the voice recognition works for you. The other thing you can do is one hand typing which goes a little slower but I have used it when I have a painful hand. Your hibiscus is beautiful. As a child we had Hollyhocks and now as an adult I see so many flowers that look similar to them.
    Sending healing vibes across the world to you.

  6. YEAH Maureen
    We always seem to find a way. Happy to see you back up and about...love the fabrics and love you too xo

  7. All that lovely color will be making your heart smile! (It's certainly working on mine!) And that hibiscus is a stunner!

  8. Playing with colourful fabric always makes me smile too! Love that pink/purple plaid! The voice recognition set up sounds intriguing.

  9. You have the best fabrics. I should let you order mine as I always love everything you show. I get all confused looking at lots of fabric online. I am glad you are picking back up and attempting to move on in whatever fashion is possible. So good to see your photos and read your words!!

  10. It's always wonderful to hear from you. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make with that stunning fabric pull. I am very drawn to Kaffe Collective fabrics, but then never know what to make with them. I haven't been motivated to sew myself, lately, and now the burgeoning garden is demanding attention. You deserve lots of credit for trying to find accommodation for your physical limitations. I hope the voice recognition software works for you.


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