Waiting In The Wings

Friday, November 3, 2023

Something New - QAL Bramble Blooms

Something new for me.

Audrey at QuiltyFolk has suggested and organised a QAL, instead of my trying to explain fully what she has in mind I suggest you click on the link for all the information. Main thing is that it's a long term project, covers hand applique and an improv style. No definite pattern to follow. She has suggestions for pulling fabrics from stash, preferably older fabrics but is open to individual ideas. 

I have had a couple of email conversations with Audrey as my colour likes are bright and bold, and full of pattern (those who follow me will know what I work with) and I suspect they may be pretty different to the colours which other participants choose to go with. I still have to go into my scrap boxes for other fragments. My main "older" fabrics I sold some time ago and I don't use many solids in my quilts.

So, here we go and I have picked out four colours to work with




Yes, there are quite a lot of darks but having tried them all against the Merlot Spot they do work well.  Of the fabrics shown a few are newer ones, others quite a few years old.

The centre panel can be made up of a few different fabrics, a good example on Audrey's post, or cut from one fabric only, I'm going with the fabric shown below using a rectangular for my centre. Yes, it is pretty extreme but I feel it will work, I have used darker centres before in medallion style quilts. This will also come into the borders at some stage.

Merlot Spot

This was the one I pulled before auditioning any others, it was the only one that did it for me, paler ones were lost with the bright colours.

Size of the rectangle 22and1/2" x 26and1/2".

On the RH side of Audrey's blog is a box listing participants of the QAL, head over and visit.

Enjoy the weekend!



  1. Lovely fabrics in your color pulls--; I am not joining in as I am working on y two Old Italian Block pieces...Lately, I find myself getting overwhelmed by doing too much...but I was tempted when I read about it...should be fun seeing what you all do hugs, Julierose Enjoy ;)))

  2. Love your fabric selection Maureen, very you!
    I've struggled with improv so will be looking forward to giving it a go "Audrey's way"! It'll so sew interesting to see everyone else's take.

  3. Wonderful fabrics! I was tempted to jump on this bandwagon too as I love Audrey's sense of whimsy, but just couldn't pull the plug this time around. So looking forward to seeing how yours develops.

  4. Since I love the bright, cheery colors you work with, I look forward to seeing your progress on this QAL. I struggle with both applique and improv, so I'll just watch from the sidelines.

  5. It's so you, what's not to love.:)

  6. OMIGOSH - this is going to be FABULOUS, Maureen. I have used Audrey's palette for this first quilt. But I suspect I will go with my more recent stash for the second version.

  7. I love your fabric choices. I can't wait to see how this comes out! I'm not sure if I've ever even tried improv before. I'll keep an eye on your progress!!

  8. Such wonderful fabrics! Your quilt will be amazing!

  9. Your fabrics to me are always a dream come true. I could just pet them and be happy. You have the best color sense around to pull and combine. Lovely.

  10. Your colors are going to be so fun. I considered one fabric for the center, very creative

  11. Your fabric pull is perfect because it reflects you! You have a great eye for combining colors and patterns.

  12. Another of my blog friends is joining this along. It looks interesting. I can't do this one... not enough fabrics in my stash. But I'm happy about that, as using-up is my primary goal these days. Having turned 70 years old this year, I continue to be realistic about how many years remain in my quilting life, and don't want my kids to have to deal with piles of stuff after I'm gone. You have such a marvelous stash to pull from! Your quilt will be wonderful, as I can already see. Have fun!

  13. I just saw this on Linda's blog, it looked very tempting and it should be a fun QAL! Have fun playing with your fabrics and making the quilt truly yours.

  14. Oh my goodness I LOVE your fabrics! I can see fussy cutting galore and a bright, happy quilt in the end. And the whole point is to make it ours, right, so I wouldn't worry that your fabrics are so different than others. I'm excited to watch your quilt grow!

  15. Oh, gosh...I love where you are headed!

  16. Like you, I’m excited about Audrey’s QAL and want to start soon. But that jacket needs to get finished first. She is so talented; we will all learn loads working with her methods. Your fabrics are fabulous. Go bold! I’m not sure what I will use; I’ve been trying to use my stash for a while and finally have whittled it down… a bit. Now there are major gaps in colors. Guess I’ll get to go shopping.

  17. You've yet to show a stitch and I'm already in love! That dotted background in fabulous! (And so you!)

  18. Beautiful fabrics, have fun sewing along in your bright and bold colours.

  19. Thanks for visiting the other day Maureen. I think I have my commenting glitches ironed out now. Your bright fabric choices for Bramble Blooms are fun!!

  20. Such bright, beautiful fabrics! They will become a fabulous quilt.


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