Waiting In The Wings

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Getting back to normality - playing with Lego

At last the family matters mentioned a couple of posts ago are a little smoother presently, thank goodness, I can now spend time at the machine!

One of my projects begun quite a while ago is now under the needle once again, I went for a real easy-peasy one, my Lego quilt.

These blocks were randomly placed on the floor, no particular order. The sun was hitting the RH side which changes the colour a little.  Seventeen blocks so far, each to finish at 10" square. I was going with the idea that 4 x 5 blocks would be fine, but now not sure, too small a size for a throw quilt I think. A large Lego bed quilt is not for me, I doubt I would sleep well tucked in with all that colour and movement! Probably better go with 5 x 6 throw size.

Another therapy has been visits down to Cockle Bay beach, just 10 minutes away from home. 

I love to see the effect of the sun glinting on the water, looks like it's snowing.

My suitcase Guild sale, mentioned in my last post, provided me with the means to buy - yes, more fabric - only a little,  and three books!! 

Number 1
You all know that I'm a believer in colour explosion in my quilts, but this book called to me and the quilts pictured can easily be interpreted in more vibrant colours, if needed. Hopefully by the end of year I'll have one to show.

This is from the Quiltmania collection and I've never heard of, but absolutely love, the author's name of Jenny Bear.

Number 2
A stunning book written by a New Zealander - Fleur Woods - how come I have never seen her work before!! It's a New Zealand published book. The cover photo perhaps gives the impression of purely embroidery content, the words on the cover say more,  she has put her stitching to good use with collage in one chapter. The photography, the text, the quality of the heavier paper than normal, even the font is beautiful, her words - magical. Her embroidery is unbelievable.

Just a snapshot below, she loves flowers

and her stitching

Kantha style. If you can possibly find it in your library, or a bookshop nearby and have a peek at the content you will be pleasantly surprised.

Number 3
The book below says it all for me, and many, many thousands of people in New Zealand.

At this point I have read only the introduction, it's going to be one of those books which will be impossible to stop reading once begun. At least for me.

Ooops - the garden photo, almost forgot. A lonesome Zinnia flowering and such an unusual colour

Until next time, happy days, happy reading and happy quilting.



  1. SO much to take in here today - that beach photo is my favorite though. Wonderful post, Maureen! (and are all of your lego bits KF fabrics?! Amazing)

  2. Such a bright beautiful post! I'm glad to hear your guild suitcase sale went well. What a treat to see a zinnia in bloom too.

  3. Love how your Lego is coming together, Maureen; I haven't ventured into "Legoland" as yet. Hugs, Julierose

  4. I haven't seen that Book by Fleur either.

  5. I really like your Lego quilt. I think it would be well loved as a child's quilt. Happy stitching!

  6. Love your Lego quilt, Maureen. Pleased to hear your Table Sale went well. Enjoy your new books - they look great. Hope you are feeling great too.

  7. How good to have a quilt top to work on. 5x6 seems a good size. Cockle Bay looks delightful. Hope you had a great day. Your books are inpirational. I’ll look for them, especially the one on PM Adern.

  8. Color! And a walk on the beach, yes, lots of good therapy.
    Thanks for sharing your book titles, interesting.
    Since spring has started here I've been reading books on
    arranging and growing flowers, and walking through the local arboretum
    to see the new various flowers. So thrilling!


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