Waiting In The Wings

Friday, August 28, 2015

A few distractions ..

After my good start to the week posting my Mountains and working
on my Rail Fence ready to sew, life got in the way!

Tuesday started off as good day, hair appointment, present buying
for DH (birthday the next day) and eldest son calling around
to join us for a meal early evening. It was obvious
by 8.30pm that my husband was not in good shape, the last time he
was in this situation I had to call an ambulance and he ended up
in the hospital, however I managed to cope and had around
two hours sleep!!!

My plan for the next day was to get busy on the machine whilst he
was at his portrait painting group, however, the events of the
night just gone had me barely able to get about due to
my spinal problems made worse by playing nurse.

So still not able to sit and sew but as consolation I did have two packages in the mail

Alison Glass fabrics

Something light and airy

Moving towards Modern

As you can see the first package was fabric - from
Hawthorne Threads
I decided to drag myself into the modern world!

Next arrival was

So heaps of reading until the back is feeling better!

Have a good weekend!


  1. Crikey! I hope your hubby is now OK. Fun fresh fabrics..........watch your space!

  2. One night can do you in....hope there is improvement all around. Rest for the back drives me crazy as I want to be busy....but know it must be taken care of. Feel better.

  3. Rest well, I know the feeling when it is night-time, and the call to "111" is needed. You are a trooper. I see your pack of fabric, is postage expensive when you order from overseas? Some of the stores have fabrics that are not anywhere in NZ, and at the price per metre, it looks so worthwhile to order them from there. Hope your back is improving, maybe a book or two will help recovery.

  4. Oh I hear you loud and clear--hope your hubster is on the mend and that you can rest up that back and get back to sewing soon...love that Alison glass fabric-hmmmm, you are tempting me....hugs, Julierose

  5. Hope your hubby is feeling better and your back is too. What a lot of beautiful fabrics -very happy mail. I have that book - so much inspiration in it - not that I have made anything from it yet.
    Have a lovely relaxing weekend.

  6. I hope you both feel better soon.

  7. Good thing its already tomorrow...so I am quite hopeful that both you and DH are doing much better. I have also been filling my stash with lights to offset all the medium darks. Take care!

  8. I hope you both come right really quickly... how inspiring and motivating to have lovely goodies in the post....

  9. I hope your husband and your back are both improving. Your new stash has some lovely stuff - nothing to lift the spirits like fabric in the post. I'll be interested to hear what you think of both books.


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