Waiting In The Wings

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Liquorice Allsorts - a flimsy

 My last post  HERE I had the centre portion of Liquorice Allsorts -  let's just shorten to LA - sewn up.
The earlier post HERE showed two photos of the original quilt and also one made
by Kaffe Fassett.

For those who thought the dark squares were black, not so,  here's a close up  before
I go further of the Orchid colour way, the base colour is black the dotty patterning
is purple but admittedly difficult to see.

As usual I veered off course a little and progress made is below, you can see I added
 another thin border of Aboriginal Dot in Orchid to the Guinea Flower strip and then moved on to
 the rectangular pieces 8 and 1/2" by 2 and 1/2"cut from scraps. When I came to a corner and
the fabric piece was too long I just lopped it off, turned the corner with another piece, see the photo below.

I wanted to go with lighter fabrics - lighter for me anyways, and just two rounds.
Had I kept with the original pattern I would have been adding many more
rounds and ending up with a 74" square piece. Didn't want to go down that path, so stopped 
with the two rounds and then added two more border strips
but reversing the placement of Guinea Flower and Orchid, see below.

Here I stopped to ponder my next move, should I just add a couple more
rounds and repeat the whole process, should I just add a wide border, should
I bring in one of the fabrics used in the rectangles - answer was a no for me.
LA was telling me to stop faffing around and follow my instincts, I loved it and
the main focus for me was the central block of squares, so

I just added another 1 and 1/2" strip border and called it done!!
48" square, nice size for a wall quilt.

Here's a quick photo in the garden


excuse the weeds in the background!

Tomorrow is set aside for dealing with the backing for the quilt for eldest son,
as I am currently being dosed daily with 40mg of steroids my mind is racing
and I am really having to try and slow down when sewing.
Reduction to 20mg tomorrow - hooray!!

A purchase made last week was this Anna Maria Horner fabric

to be used in a column strip quilt, should cut up beautifully into wide strips, adding this to
my squirrel collection!

Time for dinner - see you soon.

Happy Quilting 



  1. The quilt looks perfect. Glad you listened to it. All of the fabrics are just stunning. Hoping that less of steriods is more of rest and clarity. Congratulations on such a wonderful finish.

  2. I would never have thought of those borders but they are perfect.

  3. HOORAY for such a glorious finish. I love the way you bordered that center (and I did think the darks were black so thanks for showing that they weren't a solid).

  4. Absolutely gorgeous quilt! You have such a wonderful eye for colour and p,acenent, a perfect balance in your flimsy. Love that new piece of fabric, delicious! Take care, good luck with reducing the pill dosage.

  5. YES! Those borders set off that sweet center perfectly!
    Good luck with the meds - and with the squirrels!

  6. 40mg will ease the pain and give you SO much energy!!! Love the LA, super layout and the borders are perfect.

  7. The simple squares make such an effective focus! Love borders on this too!

  8. I love this quilt more now that I see the close up of the Aboriginal dots. Brilliant!

    Did you construct this with nine patches? It all looks so random, with little spots of order. Gorgeous!

  9. I love your LA quilt!! Not every quilt has to be huge. The center really shows off at this size.

  10. What a perfect border for this lovely quilt, Maureen. Each step seemed just right. I especially like your rectangle borders. What a great idea to blend so many fabrics of similar values.
    What you added the outer orchid and Guinea flower it did appear a bit unfinished but that final narrow border sets it all perfectly. Congratulations!
    Good luck with your steroid regimen. I hope you're well on the mend now.

  11. LOVE LOVE LOVE it Maureen. Whatever you do seems to work out just fine.

  12. Wow! I love how this quilt came out! The “checkerboard” pattern is very graphic and just right for these fabrics. The colors are beautiful against the very dark squares and your border choices are perfect. Congratulations! (gladiquilts.net)

  13. Oh, nice work, Maureen. This is beautifully balanced and I love it. The mix between those strong dark shades and all the pretty soft florals works perfectly.


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