Waiting In The Wings

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Hannah quilt and yellow is the colour of the day

I totally forgot to post the photo of the Hannah quilt pattern in my last post  - here it is, a design from
Erica Jackman at KitchenTable Quilting just click on the link to visit her site and patterns.

I haven't used too light a wide strip in my version between the four narrow strips, I bought yardage seen on a local quilt shop site,  (Scalloped Hills from Corin Dantini), also I've used strips from my boxes. I may need to cut a few more pieces from yardage as I go along, progress so far just sitting on the wall waiting until until I have sewn another 18 blocks before I decide on a final arrangement.

I'm trying to be a little more organised and methodical with scraps! I have different lengths of strip leftovers from this project which didn't meet the 13" I required.

At the very bottom are 13"strips ready to be used, and squares of the Scalloped Hills fabric. The remainder above are now sorted into roughly, from the left, 11", 10", 8", 4"and 5"  then a stack of, what I refer too as smidgy bits! I now have to decide the best way of storing them without a muddle.

If you're wondering about the mention of yellow in the title of the post, two pics from the garden today,
the first ripe lemon from our tree, beautiful and not marked or pecked by the many birds we have around, guess who's going to be baking crunchy lemon muffins later this afternoon.

Here is a bush, the Kowhai,  which is a favourite of the tuis in the garden, beautiful birds with the most delightful song, I've never posted a video on my blog but I recorded the early dawn song a few days ago so maybe I can try, for now here's the photo.

Oh, I almost forgot the violet growing by one of the rocks bordering a garden bed, not yellow but a nice contrast!

Wish  I could "post" the perfume from little flower!

Happy quilting.


PS excuse the breaks in a couple of the lines  don't know why this is happening but hoping to sort out before I write next.


  1. That looks like a nice relaxing quilt to work on. Fresh lemons, how wonderful!

  2. Your Hannah quilt is looking great! Would you mind sharing your crunchy Lemon muffins recipe with me?

  3. What a bright and happy quilt. Looks like a great scrap user.

  4. A great start with your Hannah quilt!

  5. Oh, I do like that quilt. I'll have you know my smidgy bits are always muddled! I do try to use them so I don't have to store them but, alas, I rarely get to that point.

    Oh, I learned about a new bush and bird I had never heard of before. Oh, and crunchy lemon muffins sound soooo yummy as does a glass of freshly squeezed lemonade!

  6. Hannah quilt is looking great!! Lovely color print choices...
    That is one beautiful lemon--we never see them like that from our local store!!
    Crunchy muffins sound so yummy--glad you are up and about these days--hugs, Julierose

  7. What a great scrap buster pattern! My scraps need to be organized so badly! I try to use them when I can but I have to rummage an awful lot to find what I'm looking for!

  8. Lovely quilt that you're making! What a great use for strips. I can't imagine how great it would be to have a lemon tree close-to-hand. I'd be making all sorts of things - lemonade, and lemon scones, for sure. I bet your muffins were delicious! Would love to see and hear more about the Kowhai, which I've never seen or heard of. And a scent from a violet?! You are most fortunate!

  9. Varying the width of white with the colors adds to the attraction of this lovely quilt. My Chinese Coins are similar in that it’s hard to find long strips of all the fabrics.
    Your beautiful garden always amazes me.


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