Waiting In The Wings

Friday, August 11, 2023

Another new day

 A glorious sunrise yesterday morning 

I usually begin my day by heading out on the deck to watch the sunrise, never tire of the sight.

Life seems to have moved along slowly and in rather a muddle over the past few weeks, little to show but I'm working away steadily on the Hannah Quilt and Tussie Mussie, five rows now of the latter and five more to go, each row is folded in half and  pinned on the wall keeping me motivated. 

Come December I have two sales tables booked at the Guild Meeting, so slowly, slowly I'm going through older fabrics, different designers and a couple of my scrap bins to select goodies for my tables. I came to the decision to ditch some of the older fabrics saved for backings and use my favourites, I may as well enjoy them right now!

Always find a surprise as I hunt through, the one below, possibly a Hoffman from way back, was a huge favourite and I don't have much left now, this one I'm keeping.

Two new fabrics came to be added to my stash last week, first one I spotted online from a store further down the Island, this will be used in a quilt for our soon to be grand-daughter, still a couple of months away.

This was so difficult to photograph, the soft green background repeatedly looked almost grey on the first few tries. It's a gorgeous fabric with hummingbirds, beetles and all sorts of flowers the dragonfly seems to be missing in this particular photo. This is a Tamara Kate design - Anew.   

The second piece is a Heather Bailey fabric line - Local Honey

daughter will be sewing this up in a summer dress for me, she is a designer and after three years training here in NZ she flew off to England and worked a while for the British designer John Richmond, originally from Manchester, then to London and eventually to Milan. He was very much into the rock music fashion industry and dressed many of the stars, still does I guess and Sally would tell us of all the folk who came to have him make their clothes, she worked on one in particular which was a green suede suit for George Michael, this was around the early nineties.

Books are being sorted for the sale, I have far too many so one stack is ready 

thank goodness I have until the end of November to process everything!

Well, I began the post with a sunrise and I'm ending with a mid evening photo of the moon through the bare oak tree next door, this is my nightly ritual - moon gazing

see you all again soon!



  1. Lovely sunrise and moon photos, Maureen--I see some of the books I own in your stack...I am culling mine, too. There is a charity that comes around and does a pick up 2x/month so I am working toward the 31st for the next swing by.
    I hope your days remain quiet and restful hugs, Julierose

  2. You always have the best fabric- colors and patterns! I am glad you are using your favorites. Wish I could be at your guild sale! Hope you are feeling well and getting stronger. Wonderful photos of sunrise and moon!

  3. I think a LOT of us are winnowing down our collections of fabrics and books - I know I am. Your TussieMussie is coming along splendidly - mine is still cut out and waiting in its project box. I see you kept your fabric pairs together - I am considering going random. Time will tell.

  4. And now you and Julie have me wanting to make the Tussie Mussie quilt.

    Good for you moving out some things you no longer need. We grow past some of the books that were favorites years ago and we should only be using our favorite fabrics.

  5. Sorting out, and disposing, that leads to discoveries I'm sure. Love your sunrise, I miss the view we had from our previous home. Down here, a good frost yesterday, and again I'm a pattern tester for Brianna over at Sew Cute and Quirky. She has great faith in an old lady!!! However her patterns are fool proof and go together so well, this is another bag, my size for sewing rather than a huge quilt.

  6. I spot some super fabrics in your 'tussie mussie' Maureen. Yes, good idea to cull those books if you no longer refer to them.

  7. Lovely sunrise and set. And beautiful fabrics to play with, what more could a girl need?

  8. Hi Maureen, what a perfect post! Lovely work in progress and thanks for sharing closeups of those beautiful fabrics. I love them both. Happy Stitching from me in Canada!

  9. It's nice to see your skies, and get a perspective on what you get to look at every day. Very pretty. I understand what you're going through, sorting through fabrics and books. I did that 11 years ago, before moving cross-country, and it was a painful process. Come December, you'll be SO glad you took the time to do this. I'm smiling through because some of your book titles look vaguely familiar... like I owned them too, once upon a time. The spare change you'll get from the sale will be perfect for adding new fabrics to your stash!

  10. The Heather Bailey fabric is beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing your sunrise and moon photos, it must be peaceful.
    In your previous post I saw your Hannah quilt pattern and fabrics, fun! I had to go and look through Erica's patterns, they are inspiring, I liked the Sadie pattern too, thanks for sharing.

  11. Your fabrics are a good as a visit to the quilt shop. Always scrumptious. I also recognized several books I owned in your stack. Sorting fabric for a guild sale seems smart. We all have more than we can use. I’ve winnowed a lot of mine. My current plan is to only buy if it works with something I already have. No more “spec” fabric here. Let’s see how long that lasts. Haha.
    How exciting that your daughter can design clothing. Lucky you.

  12. i love the hannah quilt...paring down being done by quilters everywhere...not bought anything at all this year so far..just one piece for a wedding quilt but nothing 'just because'...a habit that needed broken...

  13. I think it's always good to clear the decks a bit. It makes it easier to find the stuff you really want to be working with. I love the fabric you bought to make a quilt for your soon-to-be grand-daughter; it is so soft and pretty.

  14. I love your shells and starfish fabric - not surprised you decided to keep it, the delicate floral and ferns, the Tamara one is lovely reminds me of the curtains we had in our lounge when we first moved here 42 years ago, although the Flora were more autumnal colours including little bunches of dull orange/red berries. I’ve just realised I haven’t seen one of your blogposts for ages - although I follow you and a few other NZ and Aussie blogs I don’t get alerts these days! So, I’m now going to scroll through some of your previous posts and see why you are gathering together quilting books for a sale. Decluttering? I know the feeling! Take care Maureen 🤗


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