Waiting In The Wings

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Playtime with Across The Fields

Playing with a few left over large HSTs, cutting a few more from scraps and couldn't not add a few newer fabrics. Simple pattern as shown in a previous post was Across The Fields from Rachaeldaisy, shown again below

she has used very different fabrics to the ones I work with.The diagonal strips in the original pattern were to be cut from the same fabrics used for the HSTs. Using these more subdued colours this worked very well, with my fabrics they didn't. I've gone with a single fabric - Grunge by Moda in Aqua.

Here's how the wider strip at 1" finished looks with my blocks, not sewn just placed on the design wall.

I felt the strip overpowered the block, I decided to try with a half inch finished  and was much happier with the effect.

So I began placing more of the HTS, some I had left over from other projects but I did add a few newer fabrics. Only the top row of blocks have the strip sewn in,  I'm fiddling about placing pieces and found that before the strips were added the overall effect was a huge mish mash of colour, the strips definitely make a difference.

The photo below is pretty messy because I'm playing around to try and get a good balance of colour.

You can see what I mean about a mash of colour without the strip.

Apart from the above things have been slow around here for a number of reasons, I think an improvement is happening now, thank goodness. Next post, which I do hope will be much sooner than the length between the last two, I hope to have a near finished top.

A short post I know, I'll close with a bright splash of colour from the garden, one of my Hibiscus blooms and probably the last with Winter underway, we still have a few camellias flowering.

I'm off to the kitchen now to bake Cranberry muffins and a batch of Crunchy Lemon muffins.

Enjoy stitching
