well my friends this will be my last post for quite some time.
last thursday pulling out a few weeds by my path my neurological disorder kicked in, i lost my balance and use of legs briefly and headin g face down on to the concrete path, to try and save myself i put out my left hand to stop the fall, soon as my hand hit the groun d i felt and heard the crac ks and crunch after crawling a few yards using r hand i was ab le to make it to gthe house before looking at my hand whic h was now twisted with obvious displacement of bone
taken to local emergency clinic, x rays the extent of the damage severe off to the nain hospital emegency department, great team told me i had really done a major. tried closed reduction to try line the sheared radial bone, other bones moved and quite a number of fragments as bones had sheared. ligaments partly torn been in hospital, allowed hoome yesterday for two days go back tomorrow 5am for surgery which i am dreading but without it they have told me straight up i would have a totally useless hand ,with isurgery and plates in with screws and so on at least i should be able to function but there is a long road ahead with casts, braces it support, physio and so on.
as you can imagine i am devestated and sit here in my cosy room surrounded by my lovingly collected fabrics with tears dripping down my face, i had makin g a collection of aquas for a quilt just for myself so that will a long time off now.
i can use the index r hand finger to type this and whilst morphine dulls the pain it also dulls the senses
please make every minute of you quilting count at least i will be able to read your posts and your latest news
take good care of yourselv es and happy quilyin g