Can't believe we're almost at the end of 2022 already with far less achieved on the quilting side of things than I had anticipated!
My plan to take me to the end of this year is to be working on two quilts, this first one
is the one patch, now to be called Willy Nilly with thanks to Julie who made the comment that she liked that I had just picked up the squares 'willy nilly'
and the second is the Lego quilt, now to be named Mixed Bag as the strips were just pulled out of the bag randomly - this was cropped, not very well, but all the blocks are now off the wall. Fifteen blocks finished and I'm thinking another 15 to give me 5 x 6, however at 50" x 60" it could be a little on the small size for a lap quilt. I see I made a start on this quilt in 2020 and just realised that it's looking quite dark, I think I photographed at the wrong time of the day.
My Slashed Squares top has been sent off for quilting, could be January before that's taken care of.
Next year I have a few projects in mind, one of them will include the Brandon Mably fabric below, in the store for basting pins but spotted this particular fabric on the KF racks, seems that it's his first designer fabric as the selvedge has it down as BM 001 - Casbah
I scored three half metre pieces too, top two are Martha Negley and the bottom is a Philip Jacobs - Gloriana.
The garden is full of colour again after the constant rain reduced my rose blooms to wet, brown lumps but the first dahlia is out, I just love the colour in this one.
A colourful way to end the post, more flowers should be out when I post next time, also more quilting!
Have a happy week