Waiting In The Wings

Monday, February 3, 2025

Flying Geese, Fabric and Flowers

Good afternoon -  at last I have the makings of a small post, thank goodness!! Photo heavy I'm afraid.

In my last post I was missing six Flying Geese blocks to complete that particular strip of Sailing the
Seven Seas, hooray  - now have that strip completed. Seems a long time to make up just six small blocks but you know the situation I find myself in so I'm thankful for whatever I can accomplish.

Blocks still need to be sewn into a long strip, that's planned for Wednesday, taking a little at one time.

My regular companion when I venture into my sewing room is Leila, here positioned perfectly for the camera!

So how have I been spending my time?? Buying a new book ready for when my arm is more manageable.

I LOVE the fabrics designed by Anna Maria Parry and this book is so well written, her new fabrics set for the coming year are colourful in the extreme. There are at least two designs I could work with in the pages of Blueprint without stressing my shoulder too much, at least in a few weeks hopefully.

Of course you know how I love KF Collective fabrics but had decided to not buy any of his new ranges coming out early this year. AMP ones will be winning out for me, however, the nearest stockist of all things quilting and more notified me that the new KF/Morris range was in, food for thought here. Kind husband felt I needed a pick me up so drove me over.  Beautiful colours, beautiful patterns but huge in size. I bit the bullet and bought a few pieces

The first fabric in the photo above is Wandle, stunning scarlets and green but huge just see the photos below, first just one flower

here it is with my hand on top of the actual flower, giving you a better idea of the size

I just know I wouldn't be making any quilt to show of this flower in its entirety however when the fabric is cut into a 2 and 1/2" strip - perfect! I love strip quilts.

A few more designs

After showing all my new purchases I have to tell you I'm having a huge, huge sale at Guild early March, I reason that given my health, prognosis and age I know I have way, way too much fabric which I will never use. Bit the bullet and all my KF stripes are going, all my old Hoffmans and I have too many solids, in  some cases too many of one colour in the KF ranges and lots of other fabrics including Tilda and Tula.I have a major three weeks or so ahead. Books also have been severely culled, I have 60 books presently in the sales basket. Spending two half days each week should have me ready for March 1st. as long as I keep up the pain meds!

I'll sign off with a grouping of some of my Zinnias under the orange tree

 and here is one of my favourites

you can see how very dry the soil is presently even though watering is carried out diligently every morning, by late afternoon this is what you see above!

Back soon, spending the rest of the afternoon catching up on all your blog posts, at least the latest two from everyone I follow, any more and it would take me days leaving me be back to no useful left arm/hand to try and work with.

Happy quilting



Nancy J said...

I am always amazed at what you accomplish, with a left arm not helping at all. Those K F fabrics are so beautiful. Culling, I didn't buy a single piece of fabric when we went south., but did bring home that was from younger daughter. Curtaining to be honest !!! Did visit Spotlight in Dunedin, new scissors, and some clips to hold fabric. together, the plastic ones are TOO hard to open. the new ones are like the old steel hairclips that curved to your head, these are so easy to use. I'm sure, like you, they will find a new home somewhere.

Julierose said...

Hi Maureen--so happy to see a post from you!! sorry you have to destash some of your favorites--realistically, at our ages we have to do things like that. I am not going to destash anything more here (although I need to!!) because of our country's new situation. We have no idea what we will be able to get in the future days. S I G H >>>>difficult times...So I am putting extras in boxes and if I run out of anything will "go shopping" from my boxes. Best I can do right now...
I love your strips--your fabric pairings are so lovely, Maureen...
you have a wonderful "eye".
Take care and try not to overdo--I know that is hard though...
hugs, Julierose

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It is so hard to decide what fabric to keep and what to sell. I'm in the same boat , not enough years left of good eyesight and ability to do things to keep all of the fabric. I didn't buy any of the Kaffe and Morris and only pre-ordered a few of the new Kaffe collective due out this month.

Ali Honey said...

Good to see you posting! Zinnias are great for the hea tand seed down very generously.

loulee said...

Great to read a catch up post. Cute Kitty cat and lovely fabrics.

FlourishingPalms said...

I love those triangle strips you're piecing, Maureen! Such a pretty mash-up (in a good way) of color and design. Seems like florals and bright colors are your preference. Have you ever collected Sally Kelly prints? They'd be right up your alley. I know how you're feeling, and the work you're doing, to cull your fabric and book stashes. I went through the same thing when I was 59 and we made a big move across the US. It felt so good to purge - though a ton of work! - and feel refreshed. Even now, 13 years later, I'm comfortable with my fabric and book stashes. I'm using-up my prints as pieced quilt backs - and keeping my solids (contrary to you ) for quilt tops. I wish you well as you continue to work through your stash, and keep healing.

Quiltdivajulie said...

What a gorgeously colorful post - happy you can sit and sew in small bursts now. I'm with you - being cautious and working strategically does help progress happen (both healing and fabric-wise). I feel your destashing - I've been slowly doing that for a year or so now (donating it to others for comfort quilt making) as I know there are pieces I'll never use. Now when I shop it is for something specific (no more stash building sprees). Thanks for the flowers - we are still in khaki season - so your blooms are much appreciated.

MissPat said...

Each block you make is a step forward. At least you are able to sew a bit here and there. Leila is the "purrfect" portrait of a tuxedo cat. I think many of us are at the stage of needing to reduce the fabric stash. It's hard to give it up, but I know I'm never going to use it all and sometimes wonder why I even bought some of it.

Leeanne said...

HELLO! Long time no blog reading from me! Your zinnia's a GORGEOUS. Pretty fabrics and your cat to keep you company. Best wishes from the north.

Janie said...

Get better soon!
Leeanne is right your zinnias are fabulous. And exciting planning and progress.

Leeanne said...

Testing.....fingers crossed for you.

Marly said...

Maureen, I've just been reading your back posts (now my blog is finally back to normal); what a hard time you've been having! I'm glad you're getting better with increasingly more movement. I too fell last autumn and had physiotherapy until mid December. I slipped in the shower, how careless can one get? . Fortunately there was nothing broken, just bruised and stiff. Reading your post makes me realise how bad it could have been (I'm 78 too!).
Keep taking it easy , and good luck with the sale.