Waiting In The Wings

Friday, October 15, 2021

Four weeks later......

 Can't believe it's been four weeks since I last wrote a post!
I'd like to say a huge thank you for all your good wishes following my last post,
they really lifted my spirits.

Not much achieved lately but I received back the quilt, beautifully quilted, for my
eldest son Matt. It was too large to get a full shot so here is the centre showing off
the quilting, a photo showing the colours of the various strips and
also one of the fabric used for the backing.

Quilted by 
Leeanne at QuiltMeKiwi
with Celtic Wave design
using wool/polyester batting

Size: 78" by 84"

I was contemplating starting the hand quilting on
Liquorice Allsorts this week, but guess what arrived,

yes, another squirrel.
I had on my project list for next year a Plus quilt but plans changed thanks to my visitor
and I began cutting at once.
I enjoyed making my last quilt,
Liquorice Allsorts so much, read the blog posts


for the back story,
that I decided to base this new quilt on another of my well remembered
sweet treats from childhood.

The beginnings of Dolly Mixtures below

and I'm beginning from the outside and working in!
The strips are cut at 3".
Hopefully more progress will be made over the next few days
before I write another blog post.

Must finish up with something from the garden

how I wish you could breathe in the scent of this beautiful Viburnum.

Until next time, Happy Quilting!



Julierose said...

Love how "Allsorts" is coming--and a perfect title for these too...
hugs, Julierose

Quiltdivajulie said...

This is going to be stunning! Love the Guinea Flower “border” - such a good way to ground the quilt top.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I love your new project and am happy to see the quilt for your son quilted. I only get a couple blooms on my Viburnum every year and they really do have a strong scent.

Kaja said...

I'm very happy to see that you are back at the quilting. Your son's quilt is lovely, those curves play really nicely against the stripes of the fabric. Allsorts is going to be a fantastic quilt.

Ann said...

Glad to find you’re feeling well enough to quilt again. Hooray.
And starting a new series. So many delightful candy assortments. I’ve never heard of Dolly Mixtures but if they look anything like your scrumptious quilt, they are delicious. Good to know Licorice Allsorts is at the quilting stage and your son’s quilt is almost done. The quilting design there sets off the stripes.
Viburnum looks lovely. Wish I could smell it, too.

FlourishingPalms said...

I'm glad you're back to blogging, and that (apparently) your medical diagnosis is something that's manageable. It's sure good to see what you're working on! Love the quilting on the quilt you made for your son. It's perfect for a fella - simple. And your Dolly Mixture is coming together nicely. What a good way to use three-inch strips! This is definitely a quilt to have fun with. It's also always nice to see pictures of flowers, especially in another part of the world. Enjoy!

gayle said...

Oh, I LOVE your new squirrel! I'm not familiar with Dolly Mixtures, but it sure is sparking a gorgeous quilt!

MissPat said...

As I had never heard of Dolly Mixture either, I look it up. And I can see how they inspire your new squirrel. The quilting on your son's quilt is fitting and softens the straight lines of the stripes. It's good to hear you are able to do some quilting and I'm sure you' find time to start the hand quilting on Allsorts.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

A great quilting pattern for your son's quilt, it softens all the straight edges. And I do love the way your 'guinea flower' border works with these +blocks, very clever!

QuiltGranma said...

A number of years ago hubby made a plus sign quilt similar to yours queen sized, in our tiny 5th wheel. Lots of meetings with Jack, the ripper... He gifted it to his younger brother when brother retired from his job. This was hubby's first quilt! You can imagine how difficult that must have been. You are doing a great job.

O'Quilts said...

Oh, my you are back and back sewing ...wahoo...so very happy to see you. Let me know the details of your health..xoxoxo