Waiting In The Wings

Friday, May 17, 2024

Bramble Blooms top and a squirrel popped in from Across the Fields

After much dithering around with my BB1, begun when  Audrey began the Bramble Blooms QAL, I decided to just go with my central piece of applique and then borders, I concluded that even with Audrey's very welcome encouragement,  applique was just not for me.

So here is my Bramble Blooms

still needing to trim a few stray frays and straighten the bottom corners.

I knew I wanted to have the limey green colour of the small flowers in the appliqued blooms somewhere in the border. Tried so many greens, no luck,  until I dug deep in a pile of fabrics waiting to be sorted and found the butterflies - perfect! Hand stitching to be done on the blooms then waiting in line for quilting and red spot for the binding.

The squirrel hopped in as I was cutting for Across the Fields, I had a photo in my last post,  squares, then into triangles and I was just ready to cut the 12" strips

when Fonthill came into my mind - a KF pattern which I had planned to sew when Wanda was busy with her Fonthill, mine didn't happen but fabrics were more or less ready to go, problem had been the main fabric for two borders plus a few triangles here and there. Just playing with a mock up now before cutting more fabric, lots more playtime involved. I'll have a photograph of the KF quilt in my next post.

As you can see this is my sort of fabric! Alexander Henry from 2021 I believe and this was bought from  Material Obsession.

Using this fabric for Fonthill will be time consuming I'm sure,  I need a couple of easy projects to work on at the same time. Thinking time needed over the weekend.

Lots of you are posting beautiful garden photos, thank you for that and please continue doing so, we are cold and wet here in NZ and about to get colder!  My garden blooms are mostly finished but I have a photo of one of the last blooms on my Japanese Anemone or Windflower as I believe they're sometimes called.

Happy Quilting


Friday, May 3, 2024

Tussie Mussie is now a top!

Yes, at long last I have a completed top. I'm not too happy with my stitching, there are  one or two places where the eight triangles meet, or in this case don't meet, however I'm not unpicking.

My spine has deteriorated (degenerative scoliosis) a lot now and has twisted a little so it's difficult to work at anything for long especially when loaded with strong meds, concentration lapses a little. However, that's definitely not going to stop me quilting, I can work around a few things.

I photographed outside, can't do a full on photo as the design wall is too small.

Going forward I've moved my BB1 project into my little room hoping for inspiration to strike and I can add a couple of extra borders. I'm also planning what to make a start on next week, I currently have six large project bins, Fonthill needs a few more batiks added before I make a start on that one.

It's between Sea Glass, maybe a couple more fabric will be added as I go along  but so far this is the collection

This is a shot of the pattern cover below, you can see mine won't be as blue. This is a Treehouse Textiles

I found this little piece below in my scrap box, this just has to join the group - excuse the creases, I have yet to iron ready for cutting.

Heaps of fabric have been pulled for Across The Fields, far too many I know but it gives more choice when I begin to cut. There are darker fabrics underneath the top layer.

Across The Fields is a pattern from Rachaeldaisy Designs below.

So, decision time in a couple of days, you can see that once again my colour scheme will be different to the original in the photo.

That's all from me today, keep fingers crossed that I can settle my next border on BB!

See you again soon
