Waiting In The Wings

Monday, July 8, 2024

Almost Across the Fields and other thoughts

Well, I really can't believe one month has gone by since my last post, as you can see from the post today I was very much overly optimistic then as to what I could achieve and when I would posting again! Life happens and things don't always go to plan, but I am back once again.

Almost there with Across the Fields, I have six rows stitched two together right now, I decided I should find it easier to put together this way. The bottom two rows are works in progress but I feel happy with them.

The quilt, as you can see, is square - not feeling the love for this and would prefer rectangular but that would mean another two more rows, I really would like this off the wall to begin something new. Some thought needed tomorrow.

I've had to re-evaluate my quilting progress due to my back problems. Quilts using simple designs, easy to cut shapes with my GO or designs which mean I can work through slowly,  30 minutes standing is my limit. There will be some serious thought given to designs for quilts already intended to make, I am gathering ideas on which are more important to me and have meaning and memories, which I treasure dearly.

The fabric above is a vintage piece bought from a store here in NZ, over two metres square and is a Sanderson fabric from the 1950's era. It has a soft feel and was obviously a curtain at one time(probably lined given the faint stitching lines). I loved it soon as I spotted it. First thought was a new curtain for my sewing rom but I can see perhaps a lovely loose long summer dress or skirt and top - plenty of time to think!

So given the purchase above and having said in a previous post that I had more than enough fabric and wouldn't be buying anymore I have slipped off the wagon, especially as AnnaMaria Parry has brought out her new range Good Gracious. If you haven't seen any information about this range it's based on her trip through England and Scotland with her now husband. The colors and designs take me right back home!! Her pattern which goes along with the fabric has no applique, just simple shapes, long borders, there would be a little fussy cutting, that I can handle a little at one time. Photo of four pieces below

Just look at the colour here!! Ponies in the New Forest take me back to living by a farm and helping with the shire horses - much larger than the ones pictured here.

Many of us love to see posts of quilters gardens, I certainly do, especially in the Northern Summer  whilst we're in Winter. WandaLinda and Cathy have beautiful garden photos,  always a joy to see. Below is what I see presently from the window! A bare oak tree but a beautiful sky.

Sometimes I find a spot of colour, camellias are out and a few others quietly lingering. Our Japanese Maple is bare, apart from a very few crinkled brown leaves but walking around yesterday I saw this in the grass, how this leaf has kept its colour I'm not sure.

Staying with bright red here's a camellia

not fully open yet but when it is it's quite a size.

Something a little quieter - another camellia

and here a vireya

So there we have it, hooray I've actually written a post at last!

The next one will truly be much sooner - I now feel more organised and energised.

Happy stitching



Julierose said...

So glad that you are feeling better and have more energy for quilting.
I also have trouble with standing for long periods these days--maybe 20 minutes and then i HAVE to sit down for a bit.
I love how your wall quilt is coming together--so pretty...
That new annamaria fabric is so neat!! Very tempting... ;)))
hugs, Julierose

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Quilts made with simple designs/shapes show off the fabric best and you and I love the fabric prints so much.

If you are going to border that quilt, a wide border top and bottom with narrow borders of the same fabric on the sides would make it into a rectangular shape. Another option is to gift it to someone who likes square quilts. Third option, the first 6 rows already sewn look like a nice rectangular quilt. The rest of the triangles could be used in another project.

The sky behind that oak tree is so unusual. I'm glad you captured it in a photo.

Robin said...

I know what you mean about looking at projects differently than I used to. I have been trying to get my unfinished tops hand quilted. I'm slow but I'm making progress. I'm down to 10 from a steady total of about 25. I'm finding I can't sit and hand quilt as long as I used to. I last about an hour. Now, when I look at starting a new quilt I look at it to see if I'm willing to quilt it. I haven't started anything new in months. The Camellias are wonderful. Thanks for sharing. The Sanderson fabric is lovely and will make a sweet outfit.

O'Quilts said...

Hi Maureen....I am finally in...I will see if it continues...Color...we love it so. AMH stunning fabric....do not make committments you will not keep...Life is short...buy the fabric...As for aging and pain...believe me, I am right there with you. unfortunately. Pain here and pain there...Affecting my work as well. I never make anything larger than a lap quilt any more...Then, this recent top went large...I was not paying attention...I cannot press it and I cannot cut the backing nor binding for it...I will lneed help..Oh, well...we are still here and still loving fabric xoxoox

Janie said...

Good progress on your quilt, Across the Fields.
I love your Camellia photos.
And your vintage fabric is delightful, have fun planning.

MissPat said...

Oh, Maureen, the oak tree photo against that dreamy sky is quite dramatic on it's own, no need for more. And I love the camellias. I'm too far north to grow them, but enjoy seeing them when I visit friends in North Carolina. Across the Fields is charming, but I know what you mean about square quilts. I prefer them rectangular as well. Simple quilts are fine. You use such colorful fabrics that the blocks don't need to be complicated. You do what you can, when you can.


Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Beautiful new additions to your stash❤️ Love your use of colour in all your creations Maureen, often a simple pattern is perfect to showcase them... and 'across the fields' is one example!

Quilting Babcia said...

Across the Fields is looking wonderful! I can envision that gorgeous Sanderson fabric in a long kimono style robe. It will be beautiful however you decide to style it. Have fun with that decision!

loulee said...

Your Across the fields is looking beautiful.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I am not a lover of square quilts, either. Perhaps some of the excess blocks could be shifted to an insert strip in the backing? (one of my favorite ways to deal with this issue). Those new pieces of Good Gracious fabric are gorgeous so no wonder they had to join your stash.